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美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──原音/流行搖滾──[Strawberry Wine(Life Is Sweet)/草莓酒(生活是甜美的)]
2024/06/13 05:03:00瀏覽168|回應0|推薦4

美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──原音/流行搖滾──[Strawberry Wine(Life Is Sweet)/草莓酒(生活是甜美的)]



How am I supposed to make it through another day
What am I supposed to do now that youve gone away
Is there anything encouraging you can say to me
Did you really think my heart was made of stone
Maybe you never gave it any thought at all
How nice to go through live oblivious and free

Life is sweet, sweet as strawberry wine
And bitter too, like the seeds on the vine
And you are that, you are more than sublime
And bitter too, lovin you, has been an experience

How am I supposed to ever feel the same
These kind of situations always have a way
Of screwing up your mind and messing with your sanity
How many days and nights will have to come and go
Before I realize what I already know
Im better off without you like I thought Id be

Life is sweet, sweet as strawberry wine
And bitter too, like the seeds on the vine
And you are that, you are more than sublime
And bitter too, lovin you, has been an experience

life is sweet

Life is sweet, sweet as strawberry wine
And bitter too, like the seeds on the vine
And you are that, you are more than sublime
And bitter too, lovin you, has been an experience

Life is sweet, sweet as strawberry wine
And bitter too, like the seeds on the vine
And you are that, you are more than sublime
And bitter too, lovin you, has been an experience




1997年6月,44歲的美國搖滾歌手佩特.班納塔(Pat Benatar)推出第十張大碟[Innamorata /愛]

這是她在獨立唱片CMC International(BMG)旗下唯一一張專輯.

全部歌曲由佩特與丈夫Neil Giraldo合寫,

Neil Giraldo製作,樂評良好.

《Allmovie》讚美:…是一張原聲音樂合集,與 90 年代流行的有機原聲潮流保持一致,但仍然融合班納塔標誌性的搖滾靈魂。



只是大眾反應冷淡 ,[Crime of Passion]只登上美國告示牌專輯榜#171




首支單曲是[Strawberry Wine(Life Is Sweet)/草莓酒(生活是甜美的)]

由佩特與Neil Giraldo譜寫,Giraldo製作成一首原音/流行搖滾,


可惜班納塔聲勢下滑,[Strawberry Wine/草莓酒]並未入榜.











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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