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美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──流行搖滾/硬式搖滾──[Have It All/擁有一切]
2024/06/13 07:03:00瀏覽138|回應0|推薦3

美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──流行搖滾/硬式搖滾──[Have It All/擁有一切]


You think that youre the second coming
Sorry to say it doesnt do it for me
Must be a drag when youre so stunning
In all that you are
And all that you hope to be

You can have it all, take it all
Break it all, forsake it all
Want it all, choose it all
Use it with no stake at all
Keep it all, trash it all
Lead it just like sheep it all
Hate it all, love it all, and still
Youll have nothing
Yeah, yeah

You think that you can walk on water
Better be careful, it gets mighty deep
Id be afraid of what my thoughts were
You never know whod be willing
To take that leap

You can have it all, take it all
Break it all, forsake it all
Want it all, choose it all
Use it with no stake at all
Keep it all, trash it all
Lead it just like sheep it all
Hate it all, love it all, and still
Youll have nothing
Yeah, yeah

When you look in the mirror
Do you see any clearer
Or are you blinded
By your own vision
Or have you ever thought
That maybe you were wrong
Or do you just reside
In your illusion
You can have it all, take it all
Break it all, forsake it all
Want it all, choose it all
Use it with no stake at all
Keep it all, trash it all
Lead it just like sheep it all
Hate it all, love it all, and still
Youll have nothing
Yeah, yeah

You can have it all, take it all
Break it all, forsake it all
Want it all, choose it all
Use it with no stake at all
Keep it all, trash it all
Lead it just like sheep it all
Hate it all, love it all, and still
Youll have nothing
Yeah, yeah


2003年8月,50歲的美國搖滾歌手佩特.班納塔(Pat Benatar)推出睽違六年的第11張大碟[Go  /去吧](獨立廠牌Bel Chiasso 發行)──這是她至今最後一張錄音室專輯.

全部歌曲由佩特與丈夫Neil Giraldo合寫,

Neil Giraldo製作,樂評平凡.



這時派特事業下滑多年,[Crime of Passion]只登上美國告示牌專輯榜#187





首支單曲是[Have It All/擁有一切],

由佩特與Neil Giraldo譜寫,Giraldo製作成一首流行搖滾/硬式搖滾,


[Have It All/擁有一切]並未入榜.








( 休閒生活音樂 )
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