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美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──流行搖滾/硬式搖滾──[I'm Gonna Follow You/我要追隨你]
2024/06/12 09:03:00瀏覽116|回應0|推薦3

美國搖滾女將[佩特.班納塔]──流行搖滾/硬式搖滾──[Im Gonna Follow You/我要追隨你]




Im gonna follow you til I wear you down
Im gonna follow you, cause this heres my town
You dont know these streets the way that I do (I do, I do)
You cant turn it on and off the way that I do (I do, I do)

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

Im gonna follow you til I know your timing
Youll turn some corner soon, and find you cant get by me
You dont know these streets the way that I do (I do, I do)
You cant turn it on and off the way that I do (I do, I do)

You see yourself as some kind of lily of the valley
You come around here in your ballet slippers padding on my alley
And you know that you cant dance
Cause you know you never had the chance
Im gonna dance for you

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

Im gonna follow you, til I wear you down
Im gonna follow you, cause this heres my town
You dont know these streets the way that I do (I do, I do)
You cant turn it on and off the way that I do (I do, I do)

You see yourself as some kind of lily of the valley
You come around here in your ballet slippers padding on my alley
And you know that you cant dance
Cause you know you never had the chance
Im gonna dance for you

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh



1980年秋天,27歲的美國搖滾歌手佩特.班納塔(Pat Benatar)推出第二張專輯[Crime of Passion/激情之罪](Chrysalis唱片發行)

由Keith Olsen製作,樂評出色.

[Crime of Passion]登上美國告示牌專輯榜亞軍,取得4白金(400萬張+)(年度:1981#5)

加拿大亞軍 5白金(50萬張+)(年度:1981#25/1981#29)


紐西蘭#6 白金(0.75K)

澳大利亞#16 瑞典#27





除三首正式單曲外,1981年,唱片公司將[Im Gonna Follow You/我要追隨你]以宣傳單曲形式推出.

由   Billy Steinberg譜寫 Keith Olsen製作成一首流行搖滾/硬式搖滾,



[Im Gonna Follow You]也拍攝音樂錄影帶,成為MTV電視台最早播放的影片之一.

[Crime of Passion/激情之罪]專輯為班奈塔贏得首座葛萊美獎最佳搖滾女歌手.











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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