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美國拉丁裔實力歌手[艾琳卡拉]──合成流行/後迪斯可──[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)/夢想(堅持你的夢想)]
2024/05/09 18:03:00瀏覽127|回應0|推薦3

美國拉丁裔實力歌手[艾琳卡拉]──合成流行/後迪斯可──[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)/夢想(堅持你的夢想)]


Ive been chasing dreams for so long
Just one step behind and then theyre gone
Illusions of love would come and go
I guess you have to hurt before you grow
And everybody knows
Never let go of the, never let go of the dream

I always seem to lose what I thought was mine
And many times I tried to leave it behind
Deep inside, hope was still alive
Deep inside, dreams will never die
That is why were movin closer to the truth

Its really great for me to be here
Ive won over the pain and the fear
Its been so very hard through the years
Been looking through a rainbow of tears
And still I never really let go of the dream

Sometimes I saw my life just falling apart
And all the rejection tearing at my heart
Deep inside, hope was still alive
Deep inside, dreams will never die
If you try therell be so much more for you

Its really great for me to be here
Ive won over the pain and the fear
Its been so very hard through the years
Been looking through a rainbow of tears
And still I never really let go of the dream

We can all be free, we hold the key
If we can see what we want to be
Lifes never easy, you get no guarantees
Why not give your all and see what you can find?



1983年12月,環球影業發行喜劇劇電影[D.C. Cab/華盛頓駕駛室]


美國拉丁裔藝人女主角艾琳卡拉(Irene Cara)除共同主演外,

也為原聲帶專輯(MCA Records)獻唱主題曲[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)/夢想(堅持你的夢想)](Geffen發行).

由Pete Bellotte,Giorgio Moroder,卡拉創作

Giorgio Moroder製作成一首合成流行/後迪斯可,節拍快速,艾琳的詮釋充滿活力.



1983年11月,艾琳推出第二張個人大碟[What a Feelin多棒的感覺](Network/Geffen發行)

最初發行時並未收錄[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)],但由於電影的發行時間決定提前四個月,

唱片公司因此安排此曲與她的專輯重新發行,這讓[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)]成為[What a Feelin]大碟第三單曲.



7 英寸單曲發布經過編輯的版本,而 12 英寸單曲則包含更長的舞蹈混音。


[The Dream (Hold On to Your Dream)]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#37,澳大利亞#84














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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