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美國黑人歌姬〔安妮塔貝克〕──節奏藍調冠軍抒情經典──浪漫的〔Giving The Best That I Got/給你我最好的〕
2009/10/16 02:13:12瀏覽118|回應0|推薦1



美國黑人歌姬〔安妮塔貝克〕──節奏藍調冠軍抒情經典──浪漫的〔Giving The Best That I Got/給你我最好的〕


Giving The Best That I Got
Aint there something I can give you

In exchange for everything you give to me
Read my mind and make me feel just fine
When I think my peace of mind is out
of reach

The scales are sometimes unbalanced
And you bear the weight of all that has to be
I hope you see that you can lean on me
And together we can calm a stormy sea

We love so strong and so unselfishly
And I tell you now that I made a vow
Im giving you the best that I got, baby
Yes I tell you now, that I made a vow
Im giving you the best that I got, honey

Everybodys got opinions
Bout the way they think our storys gonna end

Some folks feel its just a superficial thrill

Everybodys gonna have to think again

We love so strong and so unselfishly
They dont bother me so Im gonna keep on
Giving you the best that I got, baby
They dont bother me, said Im gonna keep on
Giving you the best that I got, listen baby

Somebody understands me
Somebody gave his heart to me
I stumbled my whole life long
Always on my own, now Im home

My weary mind is rested
And I feel as if my home is in your arms
Fears are all gone, I like the sound of your song
And I think I want to sing it forever

We love so strong and so unselfishly
And I made a vow so I tell you now
Im giving you the best that I got, baby
I bet everything on my wedding ring
Im giving you the best that I got,
givin it to you baby


1988年秋天 繼大賣500萬的靈魂經典〔Rapture〕後
30歲的黑人巨星安妮塔貝克(Anita Baker)推出個人第三張大碟〔Giving The Best That I Got/給你我最好的〕
登上專輯榜冠軍 銷售超過三百萬張 再度成為成人抒情/當代節奏藍調經典
這是一首融合R&B / Smooth Soul /Jazz樂風的傑作
在鋼琴的柔美伴奏下 安妮塔以她出色的黑人嗓音細火慢慢熬出另一首Quiet Storm經典
Giving The Best That I Got在美國流行榜得到#3 年終高達#10
是貝克最成功的流行單曲(英國成績略遜 只拿到#55)


包括年度唱片 年度歌曲 最佳R&B歌手


1989年貝克再以Giving The Best That I Got〕拿下第三座最佳R&B女歌手獎

我個人很喜歡Giving The Best That I Got
(這會讓我聯想起喬治麥可的Jazz Ballad 兩者剛好都在88年末推出單曲)
Giving The Best That I Got是一首聽起來非常舒服 且相當羅曼蒂克的靈魂抒情經典














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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