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美國民謠搖滾歌手〔蘇珊薇格〕的樂風轉型代表作──現代搖滾榜冠軍──另類搖滾佳作──〔Blood Makes Noise〕
2012/12/06 01:48:23瀏覽156|回應0|推薦1


美國民謠搖滾歌手〔蘇珊薇格〕的樂風轉型代表作──現代搖滾榜冠軍──另類搖滾佳作──〔Blood Makes Noise


Id like to help you doctor
Yes I really really would
But the din in my head
Its too much and its no good
Im standing in a windy tunnel
Shouting through the roar
And Id like to give the information
Youre asking for

But blood makes noise
Its a ringing in my ear
Blood makes noise
And I cant really hear you
In the thickening of fear

I think that you might want to know
The details and the facts
But theres something in my blood
Denies the memory of the acts
So just forget it Doc.
I think its really

Cool that youre concerned
But well have to try again
After the silence has returned

Cause blood makes noise
Its a ringing in my ear
Blood makes noise
And I cant really hear you
In the thickening of fear

Blood makes noise...



1992年9月 33歲的美國民謠搖滾歌手蘇珊薇格(Suzanne Vega)發行自己譜寫所有詞曲的第四張大碟〔99.9F°

評價良好 雖然沒先前三張銷售好 但也在美國拿到金唱片 英國銀唱片


薇格在民搖的基礎上  加入電子曲風 另類搖滾 舞曲節拍 工業音樂等更實驗化的風格

從年底推出的第三單曲〔Blood Makes Noise〕就可以看出蘇珊的變化

這首另類搖滾編曲繁複 採用合成樂器營造出機械化的氛圍

蘇珊以她往常低調的唱腔來詮釋 與歌曲相合無間

此曲並沒有打入美國流行榜 不過倒是登上現代搖滾榜冠軍

英國拿到#60 加拿大#27 紐西蘭#42

介紹〔Blood Makes Noise〕蘇珊薇格音樂走向大轉變的代表作給諸位










( 休閒生活音樂 )
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