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美國實力歌姬巨星[安妮塔貝克]──靈魂/放克曲──[Will You Be Mine/你會是我的人嗎]
2023/11/11 00:03:00瀏覽102|回應0|推薦4

美國實力歌姬巨星[安妮塔貝克]──靈魂/放克曲──[Will You Be Mine/你會是我的人嗎]

Something has come over me
A feeling I cant explain
The love I lost I found again
My broken heart you came to mend
But it still seems as though we are miles and miles apart

The very best is all I got
Its all I got to give
My soul was lost in darkness
But you arrived to see me through
And you came to me all by surprise
Then I moved the dark ness right out of my eyes
And its plain to see
That you were all I need
And I want to know

Will you be mine?
Sugar will you be mine
Sugar will you be mine
Sugar will you be mine

This kind of love only comes around
Only once in a lifetime
But the last love I tried to hold
It left me feelin so empty and blue
And it made me afraid to let my true feelings show

I need you here right by my side
Each and every night
My soul is cryin out to you
Its reaching out for somethin true
Do I have to go
To get you into my life
The suspense is tearing me, tearing me apart

Wont you bring your love
Bring it all to me
So we can live together eternally
Will you be mine?

Will you be mine?
Sugar will you be mine
Sugar will you be mine
Sugar will you be mine



1958年1月出生於俄亥俄州的黑人女歌手安妮塔貝克(Anita Baker)是美國樂壇著名歌姬.

1975年成為樂團Chapter 8團員 同年與Ariola唱片簽約

1979年出過一張專輯 在R&B界銷售不佳 

這年Ariola被Arista 唱片買下 Chapter 8被解約 Arista並認為貝克沒有明星潛力



1982年 前Ariola唱片同事Otis Smith打電話給貝克 說服她與他的Beverly Glen公司簽約 追求個人事業 

1983年春末 25歲的美國歌手安妮塔貝克(Anita Baker)發行首張大碟〔The Songstress/歌姬〕 由Otis Smith與Patrick Moten製作, 樂評良好.

首支單曲是4月推出的[No More Tears/不再流淚

由後來與她多次合作的Michael J. Powell譜寫

登上Billboard副榜──黑人單曲榜#49 讓她首度出現在排行榜中.


No More Tears]的B面歌曲是[Will You Be Mine/你會是我的人嗎]

由Patrick Moten &Carlos Turrentine   譜寫,

Otis Smith與Patrick Moten製作成一首靈魂/放克


由於R&B電台支持, 讓這首B面歌曲也打進黑人單曲榜, 拿到#87


大碟〔The Songstress〕則升到黑人專輯榜#12



只是貝克抱怨她沒拿到版稅 唱片公司還延宕下張大碟製作

因而決定離開Beverly Glen公司 結果被Otis Smith以違約告上法庭

不過貝克勝訴 得以與其他公司(Elektra唱片)簽約,後來才得以[Rapture]走紅樂壇

在安妮塔成為歌壇巨星後 Elektra唱片收購〔The Songstress〕版權


唱片公司將[Will You Be Mine]以宣傳單曲發行.














(The Realm Extended Re-EDIT)



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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