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美國實力歌姬巨星[安妮塔貝克]──R&B/靈魂爵士/抒情曲──[How Does It Feel/感覺如何]
2023/11/11 12:03:00瀏覽223|回應0|推薦10

美國實力歌姬巨星[安妮塔貝克]──R&B/靈魂爵士/抒情曲──How Does It Feel/感覺如何


Changed all my plans, look what youve done
My house is small, and theres only room for one
I know this game darling I dont want to play
Why cant I just walk away
Whos got the time, I need my space
Maybe someday in another time and place
Whos got the time, I need my space
Maybe someday in another time and place
Just turn around, I dont need this, not right now
But Im falling anyhow

How does it feel? And it feels so fine
How do you know? cause I feel something deep down inside
What do you see? I see the light in his eyes
And I know what I know (I know its clear)
Nobodys got to tell me so
See hearts never lie, the truth is in a sigh
I look in his eyes and Im on fire
Logic prevail
I dont believe in fairy tales
Lately I find, Im waiting by the phone
And I dont want to be alone
Feelings wont fade, doesnt matter what I say
Bit Im falling deeper everyday
Aint nobody got to tell me so
I know what I know
Aint nobody got to let me so
I give up, I give in
Touch your body, taste your skin
The answer is the same again and again
How does it feel? And it feels so fine
How do you know? cause I feel something deep down inside
What do you see? I see the light in his eyes
And I know what I know (I know its clear)
Aint nobody got to tell me so
How does it feel? Said it feels so fine
How do you know? Cause I feel something deep down inside
What do you see? I see the light in his eyes
And I know what I know (I know its clear)
What I know baby, baby




1994/95年 美國黑人歌姬巨星安妮塔貝克(Anita Baker)在結束[Rhythm of Love/愛的節奏]專輯宣傳與巡迴後

為照顧兩名兒子 淡出歌壇

2002年 復出舉辦演唱會

2004年 與環球體系的爵士樂廠牌Blue Note唱片公司簽約

9月時 45歲的安妮塔推出睽違十年的第六張原創大碟[You Are Everything]  邀來Barry J. Eastmond製作

貝克除參與八首歌寫作外  也擔任執行製作

專輯評價良好  銷售也不錯 登上美國Billboard專輯榜#4(副榜-R&B榜冠軍) 賣出60萬張 拿到金唱片


2004年末,安妮塔推出第二單曲[How Does It Feel/感覺如何

由貝克&Barry J. Eastmond創作

Barry J. Eastmond製作成一首R&B/靈魂爵士/抒情曲

在中板的節奏間 安妮塔以她綿軟似的嗓音纏綿詮釋.

How Does It Feel/感覺如何]未入告示牌單曲榜,

只登上副榜──Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs#41











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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