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美國節奏藍調天后〔安妮塔貝克〕──QuietStorm靈魂抒情佳作──〔Talk to Me/跟我談〕
2013/03/01 16:12:33瀏覽144|回應0|推薦1


美國節奏藍調天后〔安妮塔貝克〕──QuietStorm靈魂抒情佳作──〔Talk to Me/跟我談〕


Ooo-ooo-yes sir
Baby, baby, baby, baby

You stand all alone, on your own
Please come inside from that storm
Stand where its warm
I can see youre in need, baby, please talk to me now

Swear nothing is wrong, youre so strong
Baby, dont hold this inside, relax your pride
Let it go, set it free, my baby, talk to me now

Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me what cha goin
Through, darlin
Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me
I can help you if you let me baby, yes I can

I understand, heres my hand
Why stand alone in the dark, open up your heart
Let this go, set it free, now my baby, talk to me now

Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me what cha goin
Through, darlin
Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me
I can help you if you let me baby, yes I can

I understand, that youre only one man
So much you can take, baby
Yes I understand that youve only got two hands

Stare into space
I see shadows of pain cross your face
You avoid my advice, you avoid my embrace, baby

Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me what cha goin
Through, darlin
Whats wrong, wrong with you
Why dont you tell me

I wont tell a single sould, my, my, my baby, yeah-uh
No doubt about it, hm
Let it go, ho-ho-, set it free, hee, hee, hee-baby
Uh, Id like to listen, huh, Id like to listen, baby, huh

Tell me tell me everything, baby, babee-huh
I will understand, I will understand, I promise baby
Tell me now, tell me, huh, tell me
Oww-hey-hey, hey, hey-eee
I believe-hey-hey, baby
God Almighty, baby, tell it all to me
Dont cha hold nothin in, baby, dont cha
Hold it baby



1958年出生於美國底特律的安妮塔貝克(Anita Baker)是靈魂樂節奏藍調界的天后級人物

以其優雅 浪漫的Quiet Storm靈魂歌曲受到歡迎

1979年以黑人團體Chapter 8的主唱出道



不但在商業市場獲得成功 也廣受樂評讚賞 至今已拿到八座葛萊美獎




1990年6月  安妮塔貝克發行第四張大碟〔Compositions/作品集〕


拿到專輯榜#7 為她再拿一張白金唱片

Compositions〕也是貝克在英國榜名次最高的大碟──#7 成為金唱片(雖然不是最暢銷的)


專輯首支單曲是春末推出的〔Talk to Me/跟我談〕


貝克以她綿延的寬廣音域詮釋這首Slow Jam

這回〔Talk to Me〕只在流行榜拿到#44

不過在一向很支持她的節奏藍調榜則升到#3 成人抒情榜#4

國際成績則是加拿大#50 英國#68









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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