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英國紅髮美女歌手[凱西丹妮絲]──流行抒情曲──老歌翻唱的[Waterloo Sunset/滑鐵盧的日落]
2016/10/08 00:56:42瀏覽190|回應0|推薦1

英國紅髮美女歌手[凱西丹妮絲]──流行抒情曲──老歌翻唱的[Waterloo Sunset/滑鐵盧的日落]


Dirty old river must you keep rolling

Flowing into the night

People so busy make me feel dizzy

Taxi lights shine so bright

But I dont need no friends

As long as I gaze at Waterloo sunset

I am in paradise

Sha la la


Every day I look at the world from my window

Sha la la

Jelly jellys in evening time

Waterloo sunsets fine


Terry meets Julie Waterloo station

Every Friday night

But I am so lazy I dont want to wonder

Ill stay at home at night

But I dont

Feel afraid

As long as I gaze at Waterloo sunset

I am in paradise


Sha la la


Every day I look at the world from my window

Sha la la

Jelly jellys in evening time

Waterloo sunsets fine


Millions of people

Swarming like flies round

Waterloo underground

Terry and Julie

Cross over the river

Where everythings safe and sound

And they dont need no friends

As long as they gaze up Waterloo sunset

They are in paradise


Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine


Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine


Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine


Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine

Waterloo sunsets fine


1997年3月 28歲的英國紅髮美女歌手凱西丹妮絲(Cathy Dennis)發行第三張大碟[Am I The Kinda Girl?]


首支單曲──1996年推出的[West Pad End]只在排行榜拿到差強人意的#27

1997年初, 凱西推出第二單曲[Waterloo Sunset/滑鐵盧的日落]

這是1967年英倫搖滾樂團The Kinks拿到當地排行榜亞軍的單曲

丹妮絲與Mark Saunder將其製作成一首軟調搖滾的流行曲

凱西的詮釋溫婉感性, 獲得好評

Waterloo Sunset]登上英國單曲榜#11 成績不錯

可是仍挽救不了專輯的銷售 只登上排行榜#78

Am I The Kinda Girl?]成為丹妮絲至今最後一張錄音室大碟

幸好將重心移向詞曲寫作後, 創作出[Cant Get You Out of My Head][Toxic][I Kised A Girl]等英美冠軍金曲,為她的事業再開啟另一片天。









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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