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英國流行歌手[曼蒂史密斯]──合成流行/舞曲流行曲──[Don’t You Want Me Baby/你不要我嗎寶貝]
2024/03/18 02:03:00瀏覽310|回應0|推薦6

英國流行歌手[曼蒂史密斯]──合成流行/舞曲流行曲──[Don’t You Want Me Baby/你不要我嗎寶貝]


I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
You picked me out
You shook me up
You turned me around
Turned me into someone new

Now five years later on
Youve got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But dont forget
Its you who put me where I am now
And you can put me back down too

Dont you want me?
You know I cant believe it
When I hear that you wont see me
Dont you want me?
You know I dont believe you
When you say that you dont need me

Its much too late to find
When you think youve changed your mind
Youd better change it back
Or we will both be sorry

Dont you want me, baby?
Dont you want me, oh
Dont you want me, baby?
Dont you want me, oh

I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
That much is true
But even then
I knew Id find a much better place
Either with or without you

The five years we have had
Have been such good times
I still love you
But now I think its time
I lived my life on my own
I guess its just what I must do

Dont you want me?
You know I cant believe it
When I hear that you wont see me
Dont you want me?
You know I dont believe you
When you say that you dont need me

Its much too late to find
You think you changed your mind
Youd better change it back
Or we will both be sorry

Dont you want me, baby?
Dont you want me, oh
Dont you want me, baby?
Dont you want me, oh


英國歌手/模特兒曼蒂史密斯(Mandy Smith)在1980年代中期,

因未成年時與大她33歲的滾石樂隊貝斯手 Bill Wyman戀愛而出名。


1988年4月,史密斯推出首張大碟[MandyPWL 唱片



1989年5月,曼蒂推出單曲[Dont You Want Me Baby/你不要我嗎寶貝]

這是翻唱人類聯盟(the Human League)1981年發行,登上英美單曲榜冠軍的名曲[Dont You Want Me

Philip Oakey, Jo CallisPhilip, Adrian Wright譜寫,Pete Hammond製作成一首合成流行/舞曲流行曲.



當時史密斯因長期為Bill Wyman吃避孕藥,導致健康出問題生病,宣傳活動被縮短。

但[Dont You Want Me Baby]卻成為曼蒂在英國單曲榜名次最高的歌曲──#59

但在歐洲和日本仍反應較好:義大利#11 芬蘭#10 愛爾蘭#30 澳大利亞#90

Dont You Want Me Baby]未收錄在曼蒂的錄音室專輯中.


PWL Records 工程師Karen Hewitt在談到史密斯未成年性醜聞所帶來的長期創傷以及她受到小報密切關注時,


結果Dont You Want Me Baby]成為19歲的曼蒂事業最後一首單曲.



















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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