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美國歌壇天王[王子]──節奏藍調/靈魂抒情曲──[Do Me, Baby]
2021/04/02 12:52:29瀏覽415|回應0|推薦7

美國歌壇天王[王子]──節奏藍調/靈魂抒情曲──[Do Me, Baby]



Here we are in this big old empty room

Staring each other down

You want me just as much as I want you

Lets stop fooling around


Take me baby, kiss me all over

Play with my love

Bring out whats been in me for far too long

Baby, you know thats all Ive been dreaming of


Do Me Baby, like you never done before

Give it to me till I just cant take no more

Come on and do me baby, like you never done before

I want you now, I just cant wait no more, cant wait


Here we are looking for a reason

You to lay me down

For a love like ours is never out of season

So baby please stop teasing me


What you do, I can never love no other

Youre the best I ever had

Whenever were not close to one another

I just want you so bad


So do me baby, like you never done before

Give it to me till I just cant take no more

Come on, do me baby, like you never done before

I want you now, I just cant wait no more

I said


Do do do do me baby

(Do me baby)

Do me baby all night long

(Give it to me)


Do me baby

I want you now

Do me baby

Give it to me


(Do me baby)

Do me baby, dont wanna do it all alone

I want your love

Do me baby

Give it to me


(Do me baby)

This feeling is too strong, make me wait too long

(I want u now)


Youre leaving me no choice

Okay, what are you gonna do

You just gonna sit there and watch?


Are you sure you dont wanna close your eyes?

Well, isnt it supposed to take a long time?

Im not gonna stop until the war is over

Help me!

There okay okay

Im so cold, just hold me



1981年秋天 23歲的美國黑人音樂才子王子(Prince)發行第四張大碟[Controversy/爭議](Warner Bros.)

這張大碟共八首歌曲 王子包辦七首歌曲創作 並獨自擔綱編曲/製作

專輯融合多種樂風 再度獲得良好樂評滾石3星半)

大碟登上Billboard專輯榜#21 副榜──黑人榜#3 至今賣出一百多萬張



1982年7月, 王子推出專輯第四主打/美國第三單曲[Do Me, Baby]。

此曲名義為王子創作, 後來被指稱其前貝斯手與童年朋友André Cymone也是作者。

Do Me, Baby]被製作成一首R&B/靈魂抒情曲, 在緩慢個節奏間,王子以假音詮釋, 性暗示頗濃。

此曲雖沒入榜, 但收入1993年的精選輯[The Hits/The B-Sides]。



1985年, 美國非裔歌手Melisa Morgan翻唱此曲,登上Billboard單曲#46,

但在副榜-黑人榜登上冠軍, 名列1986年終榜亞軍, 成為其事業代表作。

王子某些作品並不火, 但被女歌手翻唱後卻走紅, Do Me, Baby]是其中之一, 可見他有旺其他女藝人的特質。


Album Version



Single Version









1/30/1982 - Capitol Theatre



1990 Live



(live, Nude Tour Europe)





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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