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美國創作歌手[大衛.帕瑪倫茲]──成人流行抒情曲──[Got to Believe in Magic/必須相信魔法]
2024/06/03 22:33:00瀏覽127|回應0|推薦4

美國創作歌手[大衛.帕瑪倫茲]──成人流行抒情曲──[Got to Believe in Magic/必須相信魔法]

Take me to your heart
Show me where to start
Let me play the part of your first love
All the stars are right
Every wish is ours tonight my love

Pity those who wait
Trusting love to fate
Finding out too late
That theyve lost it
Never let em go
They will never know
The ways of love

Got to believe in magic
Tell me how two people find each other
In a world thats full of strangers
You got to believe in magic
Somethings stronger than the moon above
Cause its magic when two people fall in love

I may never know
Why I need you so
All I need to know is this feeling
Handle it with care
We were born to share this dream, my love

Got to believe in magic
Tell me how two people find each other
In a world thats full of strangers
You got to believe in magic
Somethings stronger than the moon above
Cause its magic when two people fall in love

Got to believe in magic
Tell me how two people find each other
In a world thats full of strangers
You got to believe in magic
Somethings stronger than the moon above
Cause its magic when two people fall in love

Tell me how two people find each other
In a world thats full of strangers
You got to believe in magic
Somethings stronger than the moon above
Cause its magic when two people fall in love

In a world, in a world, in a world, yeah
(Got to believe in magic)






1982年7月,美國Embassy Pictures發行青少年性喜劇電影[Zapped! 被擊中!/臉紅心跳]


美國創作歌手大衛.帕瑪倫茲(David Pomeranz,1951-)受邀為電影原聲帶專輯獻唱兩首歌曲,其中之一是[Got to Believe in Magic/必須相信魔法](Regency Records發行).

由Charles Fox, Stephen Geyer創作, Charles Fox製作成一首成人流行抒情曲.


[Got to Believe in Magic]和大衛為本片演唱的另一插曲[King and Queen of Hearts]一樣,美國反應冷淡,菲律賓卻成為熱門曲.

此曲最先收在大衛於菲律賓限定發行的精選輯[Best Of David Pomeranz]

1999年帕瑪倫茲重新灌錄此曲,收在它在亞洲限定推出的精選輯[Born For You - His Best & More].











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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