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英國創作才女[凱特布許]──藝術/另類搖滾佳作──急速詭異的[Sat In Your Lap/坐在你大腿]
2014/07/01 01:27:55瀏覽238|回應0|推薦3

英國創作才女[凱特布許]──藝術/另類搖滾佳作──急速,重擊,詭異的[Sat In Your Lap/坐在你大腿]


I see the people working,
And see it working for them.
And so I want to join in,
But then I find it hurts me.

Some say that knowledge is something sat in your lap.
Some say that knowledge is something that you never have.

I see the people happy,
So can it happen for me?
Cause when I am unhappy,
Theres nothing that can move me.

Some say that knowledge is something that you never have.
Some say that knowledge is something sat in your lap.
Some say that heaven is hell.
Some say that hell is heaven.

I must admit, just when I think Im king,
(I just begin.)
Just when I think Im king, I must admit,
(I just begin.)
Just when I think Im king,
(I just begin.)

Ive been doing it for years.
My goal is moving near.
It says, "Look! Im over here."
Then it up and disappears.

Some say that knowledge is something sat in your lap.
Some say that knowledge is ho-ho-ho-ho.

I want to be a lawyer.
I want to be a scholar.
But I really cant be bothered.
Ooh, just gimme it quick, gimme it, gimme gimme gimme gimme!

Some say that knowledge is ho ho ho.
Some say that knowledge is ho ho ho.
Some say that heaven is hell.
Some say that hell is heaven.

I must admit, just when I think Im king,
(I just begin.)
Just when I think Im king, I must admit,
(I just begin.)
Just when I think everythings going great,
(I just begin,)
Hey, I get the break,
Hey, Im gonna take it all--
(I just begin.)
When Im king--
(-- just begin.)

In my dome of ivory,
A home of activity,
I want the answers quickly,
But I dont have no energy.

I hold a cup of wisdom,
But there is nothing within.
My cup, she never overfloweth,
And tis I that moan- and groaneth.

Some grey and white matter,
"Give me the karma, mama!"
Im coming up the ladder,
"A jet to Mecca,"
Im coming up the ladder,
"Tibet or Jeddah,
Up the ladder...
"To Salisbury,
A monastery,
The longest journey,
Across the desert,
Across the weather,
Across the elements,
Across the water!"


1981年6月 23歲的英國才女凱特布許(Kate Bush)發行單曲[Sat In Your Lap/坐在你大腿]

這是她第四張專輯[The Dreaming]的首發單曲


Sat In Your Lap]由凱特獨譜寫製作

樂風上融合藝術與另類搖滾 在急速的重擊節拍中 布許以平常高的嗓音描述人類對知識無止盡的追求 卻不願貢獻所學

此曲登上英國榜#11 愛爾蘭#18 荷蘭#32 法國#72 澳洲#93

原本唱片公司想發行12吋混音 但後來放棄

直到4年後[Running Up that Hill/奔上山丘]才讓布許首度有舞曲混音

這是凱特布許出道至當時節奏最快 也最具撞擊的歌曲

MV 拍得相當有特色 節奏與內容都很契合其樂風 既急速又詭異










( 休閒生活音樂 )
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