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波蘭美豔歌姬[芭莎]──爵士流行/高雅流行曲──[Third Time Lucky/第三次的幸運]
2020/07/02 12:48:15瀏覽354|回應0|推薦12

波蘭美豔歌姬[芭莎]──爵士流行/高雅流行曲──[Third Time Lucky/第三次的幸運]



First one--its a shock

A second helping--not good enough

Third time lucky--and youve arrived!

If you have any doubts then try once more...

Maybe I was too impressed...

He flattered--I was blushing

He found my _joie de vivre_ so cute and rather touching

Himself so upwardly mobile, so cerebral, clever

Could I ever live up to his dreams

Or would I like to play a part in his scheme?

I dont think so...

I have my plans and brave ambition

Knowing no bounds, no inhibitions

nd Im aware theres a lesson in every fall

So next time Ill get closer

First one--its a shock

A second helping--not good enough

Third time lucky--and youve arrived!

If you have any doubts then try one more time

Later I met a boy whose inner life was his true passion

We did connect in an exploratory fashion

He claimed what tie us to this mortal coil we should sever

Could I ever live up to his dreams

Or would I like to play a part in his scheme?

Oh I fear not...

I have my plans and brave ambition

Knowing no bounds, no inhibitions

nd Im aware theres a lesson in every fall

So next time I might get it right


1980年代後期 波蘭黑髮美女芭莎(Basia)以融合拉丁味 成人抒情 高雅流行的爵士流行曲風走紅國際歌壇

發行兩張暢銷專輯 特別是美國 皆拿到百萬金唱片

1994年春天 40歲的芭莎推出睽違四年的第三張大碟[The Sweetest Illusion/最甜蜜的幻覺]

仍由她本人跟長期伙伴Danny White共同合寫製作

這回拉丁味更濃, 樂評大致正面

雖然沒前兩張大碟成功(US#27) 但仍拿到金唱片

特別是日本 登上排行榜#6 成為她在亞洲最成功的專輯


1994年末, 芭莎推出大碟第四單曲Third Time Lucky/第三次的幸運]

她與Danny White將其製作成一首融合爵士流行/高雅流行的歌曲

節奏輕鬆搖曳, 芭莎的嗓音奔放, 無拘無束, 獲得好評

Third Time Lucky]登上英國榜#77


之後因為母親與親友相繼過世, 芭莎陷入憂鬱症, 進入半退隱狀態

直到2009年才推出全新大碟[Its That Girl Again]正式復出












New Version 1994


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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