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英國黑人歌姬[雪莉貝西]&好萊塢黃鶯[愛麗絲菲]的交集──[You’ll Never Know]
2017/08/30 00:06:55瀏覽424|回應0|推薦8

英國黑人歌姬[雪莉貝西]&好萊塢黃鶯[愛麗絲菲]的交集──傳統流行情歌──[You’ll Never Know/你從不知道]


(Youll never know)
Youll never, never know I care
Youll never know the torch I bear
Youll never know it, for I wont show it
Oh no youll never, never know

(Youll never know)
Youll never, never see me cry
Not even when youre glancing by
For I wont weaken, when were speaking
Oh no youll never, never know

Youll know the use to me
That I was before
Youll see the used to be
That one you did adore

(Youll never know)
No, no I know I wont reveal
The way I really, truly feel
But if you guess it, Ill confess it
Oh darling nows the time to glow
Or else youll never, never know

Youll know the use to me
That I was before
Youll see the used to be
That one you did adore

(Youll never know)
No no I no I wont reveal
The way I really, truly feel
But if you guess it, Ill confess it
Oh darling nows the time to glow
Or else you never
No, no youll never
Oh no youll never
Never know
(Youll never know)


1961年 27歲的英國威爾斯黑人歌姬雪莉貝西(Shirley Bassey)發行單曲[You’ll Never Know/你從不知道]

此曲由美國作曲家Harry Warren與作詞人Mack Gordon根據一名年輕奧克拉荷馬戰爭新娘Dorothy Fern Norris的詩作譜寫

1943年 由好萊塢歌姬愛麗絲菲(Alice Faye)在歌舞片[Hello, Frisco, Hello]中介紹給大眾, 並拿到當年奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲, 成為最經典的版本

You’ll Never Know]之後被許多歌手翻唱過


雪莉的[You’ll Never Know]是首傳統流行情歌

在精緻優美的絃樂聲中, 貝西以溫婉的方式詮釋

此曲登上英國榜#6 成為眾多著名版本之一









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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