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It is good to have a friend who critisize you
2005/09/06 23:07:52瀏覽309|回應0|推薦1
to Dear Johnnie

Your kindly advice is always around my heart, although I didn't cut your words at my desk, for I'm a weak and faulty human being, and I truly need a mirror every single hours to amend my unperfect thinking and behavior, especially for I'm trying to do a lots of jobs which is concerned to the public.

I didn't disagree with your words for every situation, you are right sometimes, especially when the truly gentleman Mr. humble even don't like to give my respondence back, it really made me sad enough to stop and to think my unmature doing, you're right, I shouldn't like a crazy dog barking to everybody for every word they expressed, I'm too rushed to be understood sometimes, and patientless enough when different opinion is showing, it's really bad to me as you said.

But I still wish to be understood by you for the situation which I faced, for here isn't a well managing net, so it's really very difficult for me to differeciate the truly respondences and the fakes, as I've said at the net earlier that I truly love the kindly different point of view in order to make me more perfect, so you're really the friend I wish to have at every single moment of my life.

I still want to stress it again, human being is always just human no matter how great he is, will always doing wrong sometimes, so none of us will succeed all our life, but people with more acceptbility to different opinions and bitter advices will have less difficult to make his dream come true, as for that to make me criticize others, but I also truly know the weakness of most human being who are really difficult to accept the unperfection of themselves, so the skill to advise is also of great importance, and I do need more about that.

Thanks again with my best wishes, for you must truly know that I wish to have your company for the rest of my life.

作者: John 文章標題: To: Jenny: Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 下午 12:25:15

Bill is another Mei Fang.

I would suggest both of you go to Aabian's net. Your discriminaton against other nets is unfair. both of you likes to think of "serious issues", so your joining to aabian's net will be of great benefit to Aabian. It can make Aabian think issues in depth. I would whether both of you can be aabian's teachers or aabian can be your teacher.

作者:John 文章標題: To: Jenny: Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 下午 12:32:44

To: Jenny Bill is another Mei Fang.

To: Mei Fang & Bill,

Mei Fang, my second advice is to take a break. love your wife and kids. Remember, I said I loved you. But now I think the most urgent thing is that you need a good rest and if necessary chat with a doctor for your own goodness. Your behaviour is already beyong the reasoning power of many people. So keep a rest and think positively.

For your benefits,

To Mei Fang & Bill,

I would suggest both of you go to Aabian's net. Your discriminaton against other nets is unfair. both of you likes to think of "serious issues", so your joining to aabian's net will be of great benefit to Aabian.

It can make Aabian think issues in depth. I wonder whether both of you can be aabian's teachers or aabian can be your teacher.

作者: Jenny 文章標題: To : John Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 下午 01:28:31

Thank you for your advice. I think the more Bill speaks, the better I know who he is. I think I know this person before, not "h" though, someone else. Don't worry, I am not that naive. As for Mei-Feng, as long as he does not attack Mr. Soong for nothing, I will leave him alone, otherwise, I will do necessary defence for Mr. Soong , not argument, not fight, but state the facts.

作者: John 文章標題: Everyone Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 下午 08:26:18

To everyone: Forgive Mei Fang, don't dispute any more.

To: Mei Fang:

Don't speak any more. Learn to be quiet and listen to others. It's easy to speak but difficult to keep quiet. All your views have been known. You don't need to express it in a different way. Make some swedish friends and attend some local events which will benefit you.

Learn to be quiet!
( 時事評論社會萬象 )

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