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2010/08/29 13:15:18瀏覽756|回應0|推薦4


內容摘要: 美國天文學家和研究者塞思・肖斯塔克聲稱在25年之內就能找到外星人的蹤跡。肖斯塔說他的結論是基於德雷克公式推算出來的, 而這一公式是智慧生命搜尋計劃協會先驅弗蘭克.・德雷克計算出來的。預計該望遠鏡將於2015年開始完全運行,它能夠掃描數十萬顆恒星,並有效探測外星生物的訊號。


  According to the Space.com, on August 15, Seth Shostak, an astronomer and researcher, the proof of extraterrestrial intelligence could come within 25 years. Shostak said he based his estimation on the Drake Equation, a formula conceived by SETI pioneer Frank Drake.

  天文學家和研究者塞思・肖斯塔克聲稱在25年之內就能找到外星人的蹤跡。肖斯塔說他的結論是基於德雷克公式推算出來的, 而這一公式是智慧生命搜尋計劃協會先驅弗蘭克.・德雷克計算出來的。

      The equation takes into account a variety of factors, including the rate of star formation in the galaxy, the fraction of stars that have planets, the fraction of planets that are habitable, the percentage of those that actually develop life, the percent of those that develop intelligent life, the fraction of civilizations that have a technology that can broadcast their presence into space, and the length of time those signals would be broadcasted.


  "Taking the recent developments of science into consideration, it will not take scientists too long to discover an alien signal," said Shostak.


      The SETI quest is set to take a leap forward when the Allen Telescope Array, a network of radio dishes under construction in northern California, becomes fully operational. By 2015, the array should be able to scan hundreds of thousands of stars for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, Shostak said.  

  肖斯塔克還稱,目前,加利福尼亞州北部正在全力建造一部網絡無線艾倫望遠鏡,如果建成, 智慧生命搜尋計劃將有顯著進展。預計該望遠鏡將於2015年開始完全運行,它能夠掃描數十萬顆恒星,並有效探測外星生物的訊號。
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