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(轉載)Zero Tolerance
2005/11/02 15:07:12瀏覽771|回應0|推薦0


我在前一篇文章裡面談到 San Francisco 的一個報紙記者沒有去球場看球賽寫出報導來被開除,利用這個機會我們看看人家怎麼處理。那家報社應該是以 Sacramento 為基地而非 San Francisco,之前記成 San Francisco 的原因是該記者負責報導 Giants 新聞。

先看美聯社 (Associated Press) 當時 (8/20/2003) 的報導:

Sacramento veteran got Giants game info from TV
Associated Press

SACRAMENTO -- A veteran Sacramento Bee sports reporter was fired because he hid the fact that he did not file a story about a San Francisco Giants' game from the ballpark, his editor said Wednesday.

Sports Editor Armando Acuna also said that reporter Jim Van Vliet included old, unattributed quotes from other news outlets in the story about the Giants' Aug. 6 loss to the Pittsburgh Pirates at Pacific Bell Park.

Van Vliet watched the game on television from another location, Acuna said.

"We took this action because we value our credibility and integrity,'' he said. "It's just a line you don't cross.''

He said the Bee was also checking whether Van Vliet used quotes from other news organizations without attribution in other stories.

The Bee announced the firing in a statement from Acuna that was printed on the front page of Wednesday's sports section.

"The story violated basic journalistic values and ethics as practiced by The Bee,'' the statement said, adding that the paper "regrets the situation and apologizes to its readers.''

Van Vliet, who began working the paper in 1969 as a high school correspondent, said he was "disappointed, obviously'' but couldn't comment further. "I hope you understand that I am not at liberty to say all the things I would like to say.''

這不是 New York Times,也不是 Washington Post,甚至也不是 Bay Area 最大的報紙。當然,他們沒有自稱為『質報』。Van Vliet 在那個報紙從 1969 年做到 2003,從一個高中 intern 做到資深記者,一切到此為止。他犯的錯誤是: 
1. 沒有到球場看球採訪而從電視機上面擷取所需資訊,同時向報社隱瞞事實。
2. 拿舊的球員、教練發言回收使用。

對於他是否應該接受這麼嚴厲的處分,當時曾有不同聲音,不過並沒有太大影響力。以我個人觀點來看,如果只是第一點錯誤,他應該接受相當嚴厲處分,但是開除可能未必。再加上第二點錯誤,那麼我對那種程度處分就沒有異議了。畢竟這會牽涉到發言者針對的情境對象與他的報導描述不同,完全張冠李戴,這是不應該被容許的。文中提及 The Bee 的編輯指出

"We took this action because we value our credibility and integrity,'' he said. "It's just a line you don't cross.''

上面這篇報導是從資料庫裡面抓出來,所以沒有辦法附上連結。Sacramento Bee 的編輯在該日也有道歉啟示,前面的 AP 報導裡面提及的 statement 就是下面這篇: An apology to our readers。文中說道:

The story violated basic journalistic values and ethics as practiced by The Bee.

這句話在前面的 AP 報導中也被引述了。


報導手上的事實,不做沒有根據的主觀臆測,在引述別人的話時必須忠於發言者的陳述,不可以自己加油添醋,這些是新聞報導的底線。quotation 是最不應該出錯的地方,記者沒有權力替當事者講話。即使字字出於當事人之口,記者仍然有可能用選擇性報導的方式扭曲原意。如果連捏造當事人發言都可以忍受,那我真的不知道將來會有什麼樣的新聞在前面等著大家。

台灣媒體跑體育線、影劇線的記者長期在報社裡地位較政治、財經記者為低,這並不表示他們在新聞倫理上的要求也可以低一些。事實上類似的情形在美國也有。我曾經在 BP 的 Pizza feed 上聽 Chris Kahrl (she goes by Christina right now) 說她當年在當記者時(我記得她當年好像是在 Chicago 跑 Cubs 新聞)的情況就是這樣,棒球的 beat writer 由於要常常出差跟球隊去客場,所以並不是個受歡迎的工作,往往落在最沒有權利拒絕的人頭上,自然地位高不起來。即便如此,應該有的底線還是要有。The Bee 給了我們一個很好的例子。

( 時事評論媒體出版 )
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