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“車禍” 第2/3部分, 死後的恐怖。如「霸王别姬」楚霸王的 “虞兮虞兮奈若何!”令人膽戰心驚(also English version)江佩珍
2013/09/03 09:43:30瀏覽924|回應0|推薦0


死亡, 3種的死亡。最可怕的是人的身體死亡,但大腦仍然活的。看到自己的屍身躺在床上,動彈不得而被殺氣重重可怕怪物包圍著。如果大腦還活著,而靈魂如能夠回入人的身體。那麼,生存率 50-50機會。但是,如果腦部死亡即使身體仍然活的是沒有治愈的希望或不預期能生存下去如沒有醫療輔助。

珍妮的故事是我一生的真實故事。是的, 故事是太戲劇性,這可能使人們認為我是在我的幻想生活裡或與現實不符的妄想症。人們應該做出自己的判斷在看完整個珍妮的故事後。

我站在臥室的窗口,但我的身體是直挺躺在床上。我已經死了, 我感到孤獨害怕。我害怕及恐懼是我可能未知的地方和事情, 到哪裡去而什麼東西在那裡,。更糟的是,當我望著窗外, 外面是一個雷暴和閃電。從閃電光,我又看見殺氣重重的可怕怪物攤開半圓向我飛來而包圍著我,我已幾十年沒見過他們。我曾遭遇過毛茸茸的強勁,惡毒和殘酷類像猴子一樣的怪物當我剛滿10歲時,它幾乎每隔一天來在我的夢裡而使我幾乎每天在恐怖中生活者。然後, 這可怕怪物在我11歲的時候,就消失了。詳細有關事宜在早期的妮的故事。當時是一個, 但外面那有三個。從我早日體驗反擊那強勁而可怕怪物,我身體必須能夠動而且強使自己醒過來我告訴我自己,我得回入我的身體, 但又如何回入。


“a car accident” Part 2/3, terrorized after death.

“The Jennie Story” not only take you around the world and will also take you to another world which not any human being would have been there.

Deaths, there are three kinds. The most frightening thing is the human body died, but the brain is still alive. It is horrific to see own body lying in bed, unable to move and was surrounded by scary monsters. If the brain is still alive, the soul can go back into the human body. Then, the survival rate is a 50-50 chance. However, if the brain death, even body still alive, there is no hope of recovery or it is not expected to survive without a life support.

“The Jennie’s story” is the true story of my life, the story is too dramatic. One may think that I am in my fantasy life or I have been under the delusion. One should make one’s own judgment after completely reading the whole Story.

I stood by the bedroom window but my body was lying in bed. I was dead, I felt lonely and fearfully. I was afraid and fear of unknown places and things, Where and what is out there. Matters worse, I looking out the window and it was a thunderstorm and a lot of lightening outside. From lightening light, I saw small powerful vicious killing monsters which spread out the semicircle and flied toward to me. they tried to surround me. I have not seen this little monster for decades. I had encountered and I was terrorized by the hairy, vicious, brutal and very powerful monkey like When I had just turned 10 years old, it came almost every other day in my dream, and it disappeared when I was 11 years old. It was one then, but there were three out there. From my early date experience to fight back those powerful and scary monsters, my body must be able to move and I must force myself to wake up. I told to myself, I got to get back to my body, but how.

I was horrified and I tried to turn the swivel handle to close the window, but nothing moved. If I would have been taken away by those scary monsters. I think I know how my life or my soul would be in their world! then, I would have no chance to be resurrection or to rise from the dead. The worst thing is that most of the time I'm home alone. My husband worked at Dow Jones, most of his time traveling in London, Sydney, Hong Kong and Tokyo between offices. My employees could have called me to my house and tried to figure out where I could possibly go to. However, My body probably would not be found until couple days later or may have been in a week later.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 08/30/13 美國

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