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「日據」還是「日治」?! 「蠻幹」或「歷史真相」?! ( also English version) by 江佩珍
2013/08/01 11:27:44瀏覽1168|回應1|推薦5

我們繞著世界跑一圈深討1907年的“海牙公約” 來決定台灣執政者是「蠻幹」還是依「歷史真相」? 中研院副研究員陳儀深及台灣教授協會副會長許文堂先生的定義是日本合法擁有台灣的主權依據 一八九五年馬關條約, 台灣永久割讓予日本天皇。所以,陳及許認為日本佔領台灣是「日治」不是 「日據」。

日本佔領或日本統治是取決於台灣是否被置於日軍的敵意權威。 1907年的“海牙公約”規定, “領土認為是被佔領當它實際上是置於敵對軍隊的權威。” 因而, 日本在台灣期間該是「日軍佔 領」, 而不是「日本統治」,根據1907年的“海牙公約”。清朝割讓台灣給日本在1895年4月第一個中日戰爭結束後,日本試圖採取控制他們的新擁有的領土,但台灣人勢力戰鬥抵抗日本佔領, 而八卦山戰 役,在 台灣的土地上有史以來最大的戰鬥。因此,日本被認為是「佔領國」或軍事機關在領土上的敵對國家, 而非「日治」。

根據1907年的“海牙公約”,清朝割讓台灣及澎湖群島給日本條約不發揮主要作用來決定「佔領」或「殖民統治」。然而,敵對軍事攻勢大集軍隊一個地緣政治實體大舉進入另一個被由控制領土上是被認為「佔領」 而非「殖民統治」。

We run a lap around the world to carefully review the 1907 "Hague Convention" to decide Taiwan's rulers as "foolhardy" or by the "historical truth"? Taiwan Academia Sinica researcher Professor Chen Yi-shen and Taiwan Professor association Vice President, Mr. Xu Wentang’s definition of legally owned by Japan's sovereignty over Taiwanin based on the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, Taiwan permanently ceded to the Emperor of Japan.Therefore, Chen and Xu have believed that the Japanese occupation of Taiwanis is “Japanese rule” not “Japanese occupation”.

If Japanese occupation or Japanese rule is dependant on if Taiwan was placed under the authority of the hostility of the Japanese army. The Hague Convention of 1907 specifies that "territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.” Therefore, It is “Japanese occupation”, not “Japanese rule” under The Hague Convention of 1907. Following the Qing Dynasty's cession of Taiwan to Japan in April 1895 at the end of the First Sino-Japanese War, The Japanese sought to take control of their new possession, while the Taiwanese forces fought to resist Japanese occupation and the Battle of Baguashan (八卦山戰役), the largest battle ever fought on Taiwanese soil. Thus, Japan is considered the occupying Power or Military Authority over the territory of the hostile State.

Under the Hague Convention of 1907, Qing Dynasty ceded the islands of Taiwan and Penghu to Japanin. The Treaty does not play major role to determine “occupation” or “ Colonial rule”. However, hostile military offensive in which large parts of the armed forces of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory controlled by another is considered “occupation”.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 07/30/13 美國

( 時事評論政治 )
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2013/08/01 14:59


