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如果整容提高健康問題的風險?(both English and Chinese versions) by 江佩珍
2013/07/15 10:51:01瀏覽864|回應0|推薦1

現在台灣藝人的眼中似乎一個空虛的樣子, 而素質低落。有些甚至比較誰 的整容手術較為 成功。整容後臉部看起來如此的僵直, 而不很自然。是的,整容手術已經長久以來一直在韓國廣泛。25%的韓國人整容手術像是一種武器致力留給其 他人深刻印象。韓國娛樂圈的臉似乎是同一 張複製臉。如美國流行巨星Michael Jackson的臉是越整醜。

我相信任何醫療手術或整容手術,有可能是不想要副作用或並發症的發生,如血塊,這可能會導致心臟發作或中風,縫合並發症,感染,麻醉,在罕見的情況下,麻醉可能甚至會導致死亡。一個50歲的台灣女子在拉直面部皺紋手術過程中死亡, 能是麻醉過敏導致死亡。此外,高達25%的隆鼻 手術的病人最終需要一些修正。 當然,整容的壽命取決於外科醫生所用的技術。它可以持續三至八年之間。最終,皺紋和鬆弛的回歸,並且需要重複上述步驟的手術。然而,像肉毒桿菌或蒙塔格的膠原蛋白注射的東西是暫時的,持續約四到六個月。最終,必須重新再次注入每46個月。無論哪種方式,一個人的皮膚結構或臉上變差得非常快,甚至可能分崩離析。除手術治療外, 還有其它有 效的方法來改善你的外觀。也許保持正常體重是 最關鍵的部分,來改善你的外觀,大規模的體重 波動往往是導致在脖子上多餘的 皮膚和脂肪。請閱讀第2部分:第一部分臺灣二大美女林青霞及 胡茵夢是不也肥 胖及各種疾病和癌症等如果美國快餐連鎖店已在台灣?” 在繞著世界跑部類

我個人認為任何整型手術及藥物來維持年輕美麗或是變美麗的捷徑會帶來可能嚴重副作用 , 後遺症或引起身體無法負荷症狀. 如藝人爆發 私打胎盤素險, 打了二十幾萬 違法胎盤素, 還有六個療程要進行, 但差點送命緊急就醫等等的風險及恐怖。

Contemporary Taiwan entertainment artists are not only of lower cultivation and edification but also invariably show a certain emptiness and lack of inner strength in their eyes. Some entertainment artists even they compare among themselves whose cosmetic is more successful. Yes, cosmetic surgery has long been widespread in South Korea . 25% South Koreans have cosmetic surgery as a weapon in Koreans' efforts to impress others. Unfortunately, the bad Cosmetic Surgery is far more prevalent than one may believe. Such as the U.S. pop superstar Michael Jackson's face is the more surgery he got the more ghastly deformed face became.

I am sure with any medical procedure or plastic surgery, there is a chance that undesired side effects or complications may occur, such as blood clots which could cause a heart attack or stroke, suture complications, infection, and anesthesia which in rare cases, anesthesia may even cause death. A 50 years old Taiwanese woman died during facelift surgery. Furthermore, up to 25 % patients who have rhinoplasty surgeries eventually want something corrected. Of course, the lifespan of facelift depends on the technique used by surgeons. It can last between three and eight years. Ultimately, the wrinkles and sagging return and need to repeat the procedure. However, the things like Botox or Montag’s collagen injections are temporary, lasting about four to six months. Eventually, one must be re-injected again every four to six months either way one’s skin structure or face degrades very fast or may even fall apart. There are effective ways to improve your appearance other than surgery. Perhaps keeping a normal weight is the most crucial part to improve your appearance as massive weight fluctuations more often result to excess skin and fats in the neck.

I personally believe that any cosmetic surgery and chemical drugs to maintain young and beautiful or to rejuvenate appearance will bring possible serious side effects or complications caused by the body unable to cope with symptoms, such as the outbreak of artists privately inject Placenta Blended, for the twenty million NT of illegal Placenta Blended. She claimed that there are still six treatment need to be carried out, but the illegal Placenta Blended injection almost killed her and ended up in emergency room.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍07/15/13 美國

( 知識學習健康 )
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