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“車禍” 我已昏迷了近44小時,掙扎在死亡之間的邊緣。第一家醫院醫生大概認為我活不了。( English & Chinese )by 江佩珍
2013/05/31 07:20:13瀏覽1084|回應0|推薦3

車禍發生在美國弗吉尼亞州列剋星敦 (Lexington, VA) 81號公路上。81號州際公路在吉尼亞州它主 要追溯的阿巴拉契亞山脈的路徑,並大部分,平行美國11號公路。是的,81號州際公路穿越一些最美麗和戲劇性的美國東海岸的風景, 並且也是最危險的公路。我的12 ½ 英尺小貨車 (a van) 和我, 有我自己在貨車 內, 滾落到55英尺在列剋星敦 ( Lexington , Va. ) 81號公路下的岩石小溪。小貨車 馳度每小時70英里 滿帶沉重的青銅雕像, 蒂凡尼燈, 48之間燈罩嵌套每一箱子裡, 在各種箱子裡 及兩個8尺木桌,平 均重量在28磅到70磅之間。 駕駛座椅和貨物之間沒有分隔牆或障礙物。我5 尺,4英寸高只有120 , 小貨車 (a van) 內任何箱或沉重的木桌可以瞬間要我的命, 甚至壓 成漿。 小貨車 (a van) 擠壓在兩個大岩石之間,並已完全被碾碎。沒有任何空間救援人員能達到我處。甚至 經驗的救援人員也不會想我能活著。警方呼籲或要求兩架直升機,一架直升機下降一個大型機器人鋸切割小貨車成兩部分,另一直升機拔拉小貨車的前半部分以確保小貨車將不會往下滑落。隨後,兩名救援人員從直升機上下來,地面救援人員無法爬上,抬我上直升機擔架。是的,沉重的青銅雕像,蒂凡尼燈 或木桌完全擊毀或成為碎片。除了我的頭頂破了, 由於碰撞小貨車 (a van) 的頂部當 滾落下時, 我膚毛無損。是的,我戴著安全帶。

我徘徊在列剋星敦81號公路上,事故發生的地方,仰望那巨大而刻薄樣子的眼鏡蛇在空中飛翔。眼鏡蛇的行為是有點怪,似乎是某事打擾他,還是我惱火了他。我有點害怕,但我一直望著他。接著白 色蛇出現在天空, 移動的速度彷彿迅雷不及掩耳的閃電咬著眼鏡蛇的頸部。我遇見眼鏡蛇一 , 的身體 14英尺直徑但我不知道他身體的長度, 他護衛著柵極, 而我實際的遇見白蛇兩次它的身 體概 尺直徑, 也不知道她身體的長度。詳細描述有關眼鏡蛇和白蛇以及其他相關事宜在早期 珍妮的故事。我真被它們的行為嚇得。我鑽進白色的小卡車。有一個人坐在駕駛員座椅上。我見過他一次。但我永遠無法詳細勾畫出他看起來像什麼樣子。他和另一位非常美麗的的棕色頭髮的女人伴我到出口,唯一途徑到另一個世界。他們總是三英尺的距離在我身後。該男人和女人以及其他直接相關事宜的詳細細節描述在早期的珍妮的故事。我轉過頭,往卡車後面看。眼鏡蛇和白蛇變得如此之小,約6“直徑和12英尺長直直的躺在卡車後面81號公路上。我不知道他們是否受傷或已死亡。我們離開公路81,然後,車進入到厚和深綠色的森林。我們是唯一的車子在這彎彎曲曲森林中的道路上。他一直駕駛到山頂上。然後,他停在森林中一個大院門前而--------------------------請繼續至第2部分,

I had been coma for almost 44 hours, struggling between death and First hospital doctors probably though that I would not last.

The accident was occurred at Lexington Virginia on Route 81. Interstate 81 largely traces the path of the Appalachian Mountains , and, for the most part, parallels US Route 11. Yes, 81 traverses some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery on the east coast of US and is also the most dangerous Highway. My 12 1/2 feet van and I, only myself in the van, rolled down to 55 feet the rock creek below in Lexington , Va. Highway 81. A van with speed of 70 mph filled with heavy bronze statue, Tiffany lamps, and the lamp shades nested between 4 to 8 per box, in a variety of boxes and two 8-foot wooden tables, the average weight at 28 lbs to 70 pounds and between the driver's seat and cargo without a compartment wall or a barrier. I am only 5ft, 4 inch and 120Lbs, any box inside the van can killed me instantly, even to press into a pulp. The van was squished into two big rocks and had been completely crushed. There was no room for rescuers to get to me and even experience rescuers would not think that I could survive. The polices called or made a request for two helicopters, one helicopter dropped a large robot saw to cut the van in half, and the other helicopter pulled the front half of the van to make sure that the van would not slip down. Subsequently, two rescuers came down from the helicopter, ground rescue workers could not climb up, to lift me up to the helicopter stretcher. Yes, the heavy bronze statues, Tiffany Lamps or tables completely destroyed or become the debris. I was not hurt, except my head was broken due to my head bumped against the ceiling of van while a vas was rolling down. Yes, I was wearing a seat belt.

I was lingering around at Lexington on route 81 where the accident had occurred looking that large cobra with a mean look flying in the sky. Cobra's behavior is a bit strange, It seemed to be something bothering him, or if I annoyed him. I'm a little scared yet I kept on looking at him. Then, the white snake appeared in the sky moving as if with the speed and suddenness of lightning biting the neck of Cobra. I met the cobra once, its body approximate 14 ft. diameter but I don't know how long his body, he was guarding the gate and I physically met the white snake twice, its body approximate 2 ¾ ft. diameter. The detail story of the cobra and white snake as well as other matters related to these two snakes in early “Jennie’s Story”I was really scared by their behavior. I got into a small white truck. There was a guy sat on driver seat. I had met him once. I could never make out what he would look like. He and another very beautiful brown hair woman companied me to the exit gate, only way to the other world. They both always behind me with three feet distanceThe detail description of the man and woman as well as other matters related to these man and woman in early “Jennie’s Story”I turned my head and looked back of the truck. The cobra and white snake became so small, approximate 6" diameter and 12ft. long and are lying down straight behind the truck on the Route 81. I don't know if they both were injury or death. We left highway 81 and, then, the car entered into the thick and deep green forest. We were the only car at this winding road in the forest. he drove all the way to the top of the mountain . He, then, stopped at front of big compound building in the forest and --------------please continuing to part 2

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/31/13 美國 

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