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台灣是人間天堂, 還是人間的地獄??? (一) 存在問題 by 江佩珍 (both Chinese and English versions)
2013/05/15 07:18:27瀏覽1780|回應0|推薦1

台灣寶島的綺麗可被述為人間仙境。但湖光山色, 錦繡河山卻覆蓋著不成熟的民主制度的暴力, 恣意猖狂, 素質低落, 無法無天, 腐臭滿地, 而台灣已被搞得哀 鴻遍野。此外政黨及犯罪組織鉤結, 外加台灣立 法委員暴力拳打和腳踢如家常便飯, 景況如大地震或 sonamy 來臨, 不寒而慄。還有 政客動不動就要公眾示威影響正常人的生活或工作。台灣已逐漸成為 人間地獄。



還好, 台灣小,如果有什麼出錯是易於管理。是的,許多發展中國家存在同樣問 題。 但台灣應要比擬成熟的民主國家,例如健全憲法, 法律和均勻分佈的教育水 平。台 灣如不想成為另一個混亂彼此殘殺的第三世界國家。台灣有必要進行一次體制內的大改革。


The extraordinary beauty of Taiwan and Taiwan can be referred to as paradise on earth. Blue lakes and green mountains, and beautiful landscape covered with immature democratic system of violence, wanton, frenzied, poorly educated lawlessness, rancid all over the streets and Taiwan have been made a devastated state. In addition, political parties and criminal organizations hook knot, plus the Taiwan lawmakers’ violent punches and kicking as the common occurrence, the situation, as if a major earthquake or sonomy coming, it is a shudder. There are politicians calling for the public demonstrations, which affect the normal Taiwanese’s life, at every turn. Taiwan has gradually become a hell on earth.

Even the United States has the most sophisticated legal system. However, there is a limit freedom of speech or protest. The US constitutionality protected right to engage in peaceful protest in traditional public forums. However, US government can impose time, place and manner restrictions on speech, for example the US government may require permits for large protests or prohibit unreasonably loud demonstrations that disturb other. These restrictions are generally permissible as long as they are reasonable and not based on contents.

Traditional values of family and community have broken down in favor of materialists. Taiwan has some of the same social problems as other places with large urban populations such as rising levels of violent crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicides, child molestation, and juvenile delinquency. The government has plans to improve sanitation services, but at present, garbage is piled up at random on corners even in Taipei .

Fortunately, Taiwan is small, easy to manage if something goes wrong. Yes, many developing countries have the same problems. But Taiwan should compare with maturely democratic countries, such as sound constitutional, legal and uniform distribution of educational level. If Taiwan does not want to become another chaotic Third World country, such as people kill each other or been massacred by others. Then, Taiwan is necessary to conduct a major reform within the system.

                                                      Part 1/2

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/15/13 美國

(Please continue reading the second part of how to resolve the Taiwan issue.)

( 時事評論教育文化 )
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