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若台灣真的獲得日本尊敬或鶴蛤相爭台灣得利? by 江佩珍
2013/04/11 05:40:13瀏覽550|回應1|推薦3



The fisherman enrichment when the crane and the clam to forcibly compete each other. I am glad that after 17 years, Taiwan and Japan finally signed a fisheries agreement. I do not think it is an 三一一earthquake Taiwan selfless assistance in any way related.




Most people seem to underestimate Japan. Japan does not need an American protection. However, Japan does need American and western European government and media that can help to excite Chinese dissidences to rebel against Chinese leaders. Japan usually attack and occupy its neighbors when China is becoming an unorganized state as learned from Japanese history.




From text books to Japanese media or any propaganda, it seems to me, both Japanese government and its people are very good to twist the facts. The question is if Japan uses America’s desperate desires to contain and control China to build for itself a ground of legitimacy for its secretly harbored goals of military, political and further economic expansion as well as territorial aggression, as driven by its traditional phobia about its own deficiencies as a nation, that is, about its lack of natural resources and certain key assets. It will challenge US’s future superpower status. The atrocity committed by Japanese during WWII was much worst and brutal than then Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany. If you were a Nazi prisoner of war you faced a 4% chance of not surviving the war; (by comparison) the death rate for Allied POWs held by the Japanese was nearly 30%.




Shinzo Abe has denied some of the atrocities and he has continually prayed at the Yasukuni Shrine, which includes convicted Class A war criminals in its honored war dead. Yes, US’s current policy, US will have a short-term gain, but will be catastrophe for US in the long-term.


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 04/11/13 美國

( 時事評論國際 )
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臺未獲利 反喪主權
2013/04/11 09:33
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