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如果美國和中國之間的貿易戰爭,誰將會受到更多傷害? by 江佩珍
2012/10/19 07:56:31瀏覽1273|回應0|推薦0

If a trade war between the United States and China, who will be subject to more harm?


10-16-12 China bashing may be beneficial for either presidential candidate in the U.S. presidential election yet it will not be a good policy. It will harm the United States more than China. It comes down to the trade war between world’s two economic superpowers. We, Americans, will lose. We, Americans, underestimate Chinese will-powers and overestimate our economic power. American politicians may not be aware of how quick those Chinese consumers adapt themselves to new environments if there is a trade war between US and China.



Mr. Romney claimed that he will issue an executive order to declare China currency manipulation. Now, if appreciate RMB will boot US economic recovery and reduce our unemployment rate? It is no guarantee the US unemployment rate will drop if China revalues the RMB as most manufacturers, especially makers of labor-intensive products will never come back. They would and will make their products any country that can provide lower labor costs. As I stated previously, the best resources of China are human resource. Chinese people work ten to twelve hours per day and almost seven days per week is very normal. My average hours worked is 13 hours per day and almost 7 days a week, only breaks which I take is Christmas and New Year.



Perhaps, Mr. Romney should have a good economic adviser. A stronger Yuan will not be some magic panacea for America. Yes, appreciate Chinese currency will help few our manufacturers that compete directly with Chinese firms yet it will hurt many others, such as manufacturers who use Chinese imports in their US production processes and also American consumers buying Chinese products. “RMB had appreciated 21% to the dollar from July 2005 to July 2008 on U.S.-China trade flows. On the one hand, during this period U.S. imports from China increased by 39%, and trade deficit with China still rose by 30.1%.” It seems to me that exchange rates are not the only factor affecting trade imbalance. There are not easy solutions to America’s economic problems as we continually live well beyond our means.


  Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍10/19



( 時事評論政治 )
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