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中國所謂的持不同政見者是否以操縱中國人民或社會為自身利益??! by 江佩珍
2012/05/28 06:25:02瀏覽1101|回應0|推薦0

Many Chinese so-called dissidents, seems to me, exploit Chinese people for their own advantages. Such as Mr. Ai need to promote his art, the application of Chinese literature to the anti-Chinese government and Western media need said a tool to manipulate or to promote the Chinese Government and social instability. Thus, the conditions can or may lead to a perfect storm.

在我看來,中國許多所謂的持不同政見者,以操縱中國人民或社會為自身利益, 如艾先生,以反中國政府的言語來促進他的藝術,而西方媒體需要一個工具來操縱或促使中國政府和中國社會的不穩定。因此,可能導致一場完美風暴的條件。

Our media always report the side of the story, is the only Chinese dissidents. It can not be a fairness and an accuracy in reporting if our media are taking sides and report only one side story. I am originally a Taiwanese and I am not taking sides. We should go forwards, not backwards. Mr. Ai was not only a person suffering during the Cultural Revolution and we Should try to avoid the recurrence of such incidents. Mr. Ai of the literature against the Chinese government will not help China's leaders in the right direction, but it may lead to China's social chaos.

我們的媒體總是報告一邊的故事,是中國唯一的持不同政見者。如果我們的媒體偏袒和報告只有一方的故事, 那它不能是一個公平和報告,。我原本是台灣人,我 不偏袒任何一方。我們應該向前走,而不是倒退。艾先生不僅是一個人的痛苦在文化大革命期間,我們應該盡量避免此類事件再次發生。艾先生的文學對中國政府抨擊不會幫助中國的領導人走上正確的方向,但它可能會導致中國的社會混亂。


I can not make comments on NYT reports about him in prison or between him and his wife as media did not report Chinese officials‘ side of story.



Chinese officials claimed that some his art-works are pornography or obscenity. I have never seen any his art work, so I can not make a comment. Our First Amendment to U.S. Constitution guaranteeing basic freedoms of speech. However, our First Amendment is not interpreted to protect every utterance. The Supreme Court, however, has held that the First Amendment does not protect two types of pornography: obscenity and child pornography. Consequently, they may be banned on the basis of their content, and federal law prohibits the mailing of obscenity, as well as its transport or receipt in interstate or foreign commerce. Taiwan has a 14 years old brother who violently raped his sister and a father raped his daughter due to watching obscenity and child pornography or X rate movies.

中國官員稱,一些他, 艾先生, 的藝術作品是色情或猥褻。我從來沒有看 到任何他的藝術作品,所以我不能作出評論。我們以美國憲法第一修正案保障言論自由的基本自由。然而,我們的憲法第一修正案不被解釋,以保護每個言語。然而,最高法院舉行了第一修正案不保護兩種類型:淫穢色情和兒童色情製品。因此,他們可被禁止在其內容的依據上,聯邦法律禁止郵寄淫穢,以及在州際或外國商務運輸或接收。台灣有一個14歲的哥哥,暴力強姦自己的妹妹而父親強姦女兒因觀看淫穢和兒童色情製品或X率電影。

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍  美國  05/28/12

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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