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誰是最看好贏得2012台灣總統?(Who Is Favored To Win 2012 Taiwan President?) by江佩珍
2011/10/05 07:11:47瀏覽742|回應1|推薦3

這篇文章是用於等級以及檢驗總統馬英九和民進黨女主席的總統候選人蔡英文的領導能力及判斷能力。宋楚瑜先生也許是為時已 晚在這遊戲中,我並沒有太多他的資 料有關他的領導能力。因此,宋楚瑜先生將不在這裡討論中。文章還討論誰有力 加強與台灣經濟增長和創造就業機會,以及處理國際問題和處理國際事務。本文旨在是尋找雙方所有的利弊 , 而致力於幫助台灣選民選出最佳及最有能力的新總統。 (This article is for grades as well as exam the leadership competencies and judgment skills of both President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairwoman and presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen. Mr. James Soong perhaps is too late in the game and I don’t have much information about his leadership skills. So, Mr. James Soong will not be in the discussion here. The article also will discuss who has ability to boost Taiwan economic growth and as well as Dealing with international problems and handling of international affairs by looking at all the pros and cons on both sides of the fence. This article dedicates to helping Taiwan's voters to elect the new president).

我將等級為優秀,非常好,好,公平,和貧困的評級。這是不是最後的分級。 蔡英文女主 學得很快,等級可能會改變。同樣,我不偏袒任何一方或隸屬於任何政黨。我的論點是基於事實。 (I am going to grade as ratings of excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor. This is not final grading as Tsai is quick learner, the grades may be changed. Again, I am not taking sides or affiliated to any political party. My argument is based on the facts).

1) LEADERSHIP 領導能力 :

Excellent 優秀

Very good


Good 好

Fair 平平

Poor 差





2) JUDGMENT 判斷能力 :










4) job creation 創造就業機會





5) Dealing w/Intl. problems/affairs 處 理國際問題 / 事務





  有效的領導是 有 能力成功地整合並最大限度地提高可用資源實現在 內 部和外部環境為組織或社會目標。 (Effective leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or societal goals).

馬 總統 對其處理致命莫拉克颱風在 2009 年損傷他的總統生涯。但他在所有至今做得很好。 除了 2009 莫拉克颱風非令人滿意地的判斷 能力 外。但總體而言,考慮到在 2008 年開 始的全球經濟危機的衝擊,他的工作績效仍是令人滿意。 ( President Ma Ying-jeou failed to handle the Typhoon Morakot 2009 that has marred his presidential career, other than the judgment on Typhoon Morakot 2009 wasn’t in a satisfactory manner. But overall, his job performance is in satisfactory when considering the impact of the global economic crisis that began in 2008).

蔡英文的等級是基於對她的言論和假設,而不是她的實際領導的記 錄 或經驗,因為我們還沒有她的國家領導層的紀 錄 。蔡英文女士聲稱,她打算,以台灣的共識取代 1992 共識,根據她自己的解釋是站在堅定對台灣的主權獨立和維護台灣的現 狀 共識。她從來沒有解釋她下一 步會 做哪些,如果中國不接受台灣的共識。就個人而言,我知道,中國不太可能會接受她的台灣共識。蔡女士,像陳水扁先生,將稱之為一個母親的所有戰鬥與中國而再次 應 用台灣民眾打高賭注 , 賭博台灣人民的生命就在於實現其政治目的。 台灣的經濟增長,創造就業機會,和國際事務中非常依賴於台灣海峽的穩定,這意味著蔡女士處理台灣海峽問題必須依和平方式和外交手段跨越海峽兩岸。我不同意女士蔡 “ 漁島之爭的 說 法,蔡英文批評馬對日本的強硬態度,表示馬政權是 ” 衝突和挑釁的做法,日本佔領台灣領土的一部分,並用日本海軍船隻下沉台灣魚船,日本是一種戰爭行為。,她希望用外交解決好了, ( The grades of Tsai Ing-wen is based on her speech and assumption, not her actual leadership’s records or experiences as we do still not have her national leadership’s records. Ms. Tsai Ing-wen claimed that she intends to replace the 1992 consensus by Taiwan consensus which under her own interpretation is standing firm on Taiwan's sovereign independence and maintaining Taiwan's status quo. She has never explained what she will do next if China will not fall for that Taiwan consensus. Personally, I know that China unlikely will accept her Taiwan consensus. Ms. Tsai is going to, like Mr. Chen Shui-bein, call for a mother of all battles with China and to play Taiwan people for high stakes and to gamble Taiwan people’s life on its lies to accomplish political objective. Taiwan economic growths, jobs creation, and international affairs very much dependent on peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait which means how well Ms Tsai handles the matter peacefully and diplomatically cross Taiwan Strait. I do not agree with Ms. Tsai’ argument of Fishing Island dispute, Tsai Ing-wen criticized Ma's tough approach to Japan, said Ma corresponds to the regime was "the practice of conflict and provocation. Japan occupied a part of Taiwan territory and used Japanese naval vessel to sink Taiwan fish boats. Japan was an act of the war. She wanted to resolve with diplomacy. Well, Japanese can eat Ms. Tsai alive. Japan will not hesitate to attack and to occupy Taiwan again if it is not China that has claimed Taiwan as a part of her territory. If it must take a strong stance, then, you should not back down your position. Thus, her leadership and judgment is questionable. Besides, diplomacy has never worked in territory dispute with Japan).

Jennie PC Chiang江佩珍 10/05/11美國

( 時事評論政治 )
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2012/05/26 15:22


