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蔡英文是不一個可選出的候選人嗎? (Is Tsai Ing-wen an electable candidate?) by江佩珍
2011/09/12 08:37:52瀏覽750|回應0|推薦0

蔡英文是不一個可選出的候選人嗎 ? 而如何克服她從陳水扁那繼承下的包裹? Is Tsai Ing-wen an electable candidate and how to overcome what she has inherited from the Chen Shui-bian?

當我跟大多數台灣人交談在我 2009 年回去台灣時。他們聲稱之所以陳水扁當時的當選沒有別的原因是台灣人民想取代當時國民黨。陳水扁 2000 年當選為台灣總統後,曾發誓要結束幾十年的政治腐敗。但是,在一個戲劇性的失寵,他本人曾參與數宗貪 污和洗錢 , 並挑起種 族仇恨。他作出對中國挑釁性的行為引起人們的恐慌和群眾 歇斯底里感到一個不可避免的 台灣海峽戰爭。 (As I spoke to the most people in Taiwan during my 2009 trip back to Taiwan, they have claimed that the reason which Mr. Chen Shui-bein had been elected no other reason than been alternative to Kuomintang then. Chen Shui-bian was elected president of Taiwan in 2000 and vowed to end decades of political corruption. But in a dramatic fall from grace, he himself had been involved in several cases of corruption and money laundering and stirred up racial hatred. He made provocative acts toward China. Cause people to the panic and the mass hysteria about an inevitable war between Taiwan Strait).

我不偏袒任何一方。但是,如果蔡女士想當選為台灣第一位女總統,那麼她應該是一個較 溫和候選人以吸引溫和派選民。 她不可能當選總統沒有那些 溫和的獨立選民的選票。這些選民更關心的就業機會,繁榮經濟和穩定的台灣。大部分獨立選 民要 么不喜歡或者是懷疑民進黨正面對抗中國 , 而那些選民喜歡依對話框來代替對抗中國。他們稱民進黨應用台灣 民眾打高賭注,民進黨將瘋狂賭博台灣人民的生命就在於實現其政治目的。 (I am not taking sides. However, if Ms. Tsai wants to be elected as a Taiwan first female president, then she should be a more moderate candidate to appeal to moderate voters. She can not be elected without those moderately independent voters’ votes. Those voters are more concerned the jobs, prosperous economy and stability of Taiwan. Majority of independent voters either do not like or are skeptical about DPP a head-on confrontation with China and those voters prefer a dialog to confrontation with China. DPP should not play Taiwan people for high stakes and DPP will be insane to gamble Taiwan people’s life on its lies to accomplish their political objective).

民進黨成員一直宣稱台灣是民主,中國則不然。因此,卻拒和中國作任何溝通。 我們下一 次來討論民主的定義,如果台灣可被視為一個民主國家在陳水扁的統治下。民進黨動不動就祭出 , 台灣 被 中國矮化而唱主權的高調。 對外 , 特別美國 , 朝野於討好或諂媚自我矮化 把主體性和國家尊嚴放在地上 踩 。( Members of DPP always claim that Taiwan is democracy and China is not. So they do not want to have a dialogue with China. We discuss definition of democracy next time and if Taiwan is considered a democratic country under the rule of Chen Shui-bein. DPP is apt to reposition itself to claim that Taiwan's sovereignty is dwarfed by the China while bipartisanisms of Taiwan, it seems to me, tries to please or flatter the United States even downgrading itself to the subject on the ground and step on national dignity).

Jennie PC Chiang 江佩珍 09/12/11 美國

PS.  The dress on the picture is $64.99 and total for both a fresh-water pearl necklace and bracelet is $30.99. Again, one does not need a brand name to look nice and beautiful or to feel better than others. 在美更具有可持續性和價比起表面上美。(Inner-beauty is more sustainable and valuable than superficial beauty).

( 時事評論政治 )
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