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台灣的沒錢償命在美國能運轉嗎? (If pay with your life works in the United States)?
2011/08/25 03:35:47瀏覽903|回應0|推薦0

有些 台灣收債人脅迫性策略,可能導致人自殺或全家人自殺,以避免更多的痛苦和羞辱或苦惱從收債代理人。債務收債人的強制戰略在美國並不管用根據美國公平債務催收作業法( FDCPA )。如果是發生在這裡的話,你應該聯絡依寫投訴函到你的州總檢察長的局消費者欺詐和保護部門或文件網上投訴與聯邦貿易委員會。您的州檢察長,通常立即採取行動,如果它違反 FDCPA 。是的,你可以告收債人在 聯邦法院在騷擾發生一年之 內。 您也可以起訴收債員在州法院,如果您所在的州也有類似的法規 根據 在你 居住 的州法律 。 (Some debt collectors in Taiwan coercive strategy may lead to suicide or a family commit suicide in order to avoid more pain and humiliation or distress from debt collection agents. The debt collectors’ coercive strategies are not working here under the US Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If it would have occurred here, then, you should contact by writing a complaint to your State Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection or file a complaint online with the Federal Trade Commission. Your State Attorney General usually takes action immediately if it violates the FDCPA. Yes, you can sue a debt collector in Federal Court within one year from the date the harassment occurred. You can also sue a debt collector in a state court if the state where you reside has similar regulation under your state laws).

許多人不能支付他們的賬單因為失去工作由於公司裁員。然而,收債人 ( 一般在 FDCPA 監管下而必須遵守 FDCPA) 或債權人 ( 不涵蓋在 FDCPA 監管但是在 每個州的 規管下 ) 不能進行任何騷擾,恐嚇,誤導性的陳述或以脅迫或欺騙導致你進入繳款 債務。 (Many people could not or can not pay their bills due to a job loss as a result of companies downsizing businesses. However, debt collectors, who are usually regulated and must comply with FDCPA, or creditors, who not be covered by the FDCPA but regulated by each state, can not make any harassing, threatening, or misleading statements in order to coerce or trick you into making payment on a debt).

收債只能撥打電話在上午八時至 晚上九時不能撥打任何債務人 連續或多次的意圖騷擾。此外收債人不能撥打電話到你的雇主,朋友或家人告訴他們你欠了債根據 FDCPA 規例。 (Debt collectors can only make calls between 8 AM and 9 PM and can not call any said debtor repeatedly or continuously with the intent to harass. Also debt collectors may not call your employer, friends or family to tell them that you owe a debt under the FDCPA).

如果你被債權人或債務買家或收債人起訴。你,作為被告,有權要求原告提出它證明(負擔的證明)向法院:( 1 )若原告有權告你( 2 )債務是你的嗎( 3 )你欠確切數額的金錢。原告必須出示了很多證據,以滿足舉證責任,這是困難和昂貴,尤其是,如果債務已經購買和出售多次當在搜索訴訟過程中。 (If you have been sued by the creditor or debt buyer or collectors, you, as a defendant, have the right to put the plaintiff to its proof (the burden of proof) to the court that (1) the plaintiff has the right to sue you; (2) the debt is yours’ and (3) you owe the exact amount of money which the plaintiff claims you owe. The plaintiff has to produce a lot of evidence to meet the burden of proof and it is difficult and expensive, especially, if debt has been bought and sold multiple times during the discovery proceedings).

Jennie PC Chiang/ 江佩珍 08/24/11

PS. The dress on the picture is $64.99 and total for both a fresh-water pearl necklace and bracelet is $30.99. Again, one does not need a brand name to look nice and beautiful or to feel better than others. 內 在美更具有可持續性和價 值 比起表面上 的 美。 (Inner-beauty is more sustainable and valuable than superficial beauty).

( 時事評論其他 )
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