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是否美國和西方國家促使亞洲和非洲國家高腐敗的政府官員? (If US And Western Countries Contribute To The High
2011/08/06 08:10:09瀏覽943|回應0|推薦0

由於美國和西方國家提供一個安全的天堂和款待世界上最腐敗的政治家和官員,在我看來,那些卑鄙的腐敗政治家或政府官員知道,他們可以逃這些犯罪行為在他們本國通過搬移, 攜帶非法取得的金融資本,到美國和西方國家, 由於美國或西方國家不會送他們返回自己的國家接受刑事訴訟起訴。此外,收養國獲得經濟利益從這些犯罪活動在他們本國。因此,他們展出大膽氣魄在其本國賄賂,敲詐,或者挪用,因為他們知道他們能逃刑事假若腐敗已暴露無遺(As the United States and western countries provide a safe heaven and hospitality for the world most corrupt politicians and government officials, it seems to me those despicable world corrupt politicians or officials know that they can get away with criminal acts in their home countries by moving, together with unlawfully obtained financial capital, to the United States and western countries as America or western countries will not or would not send them back to their home country or counties for the criminal prosecution due to economic benefit of adoptive country or countries from those criminal activities in their home countries. They exhibit the boldness in their home countries and have the audacity to bribe, to extort, or to embezzle as they know that they can get away if the criminal corruption has been exposed). 

任何形式的腐敗跟通常罪犯並沒有什麼不同,不管是受賄,敲詐勒索,貪,販毒,洗錢,或販賣人口。腐敗是核心貧困和腐敗影響到窮人的轉移資源,阻礙了發展,如減少經濟增長,逐步稅收制度,水平和效益的社會方案,並延續不平等分配資產所有權和機會不平等教育等(Any forms of corruptions are no different from normal criminals, it does not matter if it is bribery, extortion, embezzlement, drug trafficking, money laundering, or human trafficking. Corruption is core poverty and corruption affects the poor by diverting resources and holding back development, such as reducing economic growth, the progressively of the tax system, the level and effectiveness of social programs, and perpetuating an unequal distribution of asset ownership and unequal access to education, etc).

中國中央電視台聲稱,張曙光先生有28億美元在美國和瑞士的銀行帳援引西方媒體。現在,問題是大多數人,和我一樣,都希望知道的是他為什麼從來沒有受到質疑或懷疑在他的位置的中國鐵道部副總工程師,由於,美國中文世界報聲稱,他的妻子和孩子都遷移到美國, WJ沒有表明,如果他們都是美國公民,有三個豪宅在南 加州(China Central Television claimed that Mr. Zhang Shuguang had $2.8 billion in his American and Swiss bank account as quoted by western media. Now, the question which most people, like me, will like to know is why he has never been questioned or doubted in his position of deputy chief engineer of China’s Railway ministry as US Chinese World Journal claimed that his wife and children have all moved to the United States, WJ did not indicate if they are all American citizens, with three luxury houses in southern California). 

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 08/06/11 美國

( 時事評論國際 )
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