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為何中國人會如此虛偽和崇洋? (Why Chinese so hypocritical and worshiping westerns)? by江佩珍
2011/07/18 04:47:53瀏覽1615|回應4|推薦0

中國人的弱點是如此渴望展示慾望炫耀他們的財富與被區別對待,像一個名人或者在某些尊重,因為大多數中國媒體放在注重品牌名字顯示一個快速知覺表面的財富。中國人人都變得如此偽由於中國人被西方人長期對待,如英國和法國,為低劣。中國人社會制度在對待西方人或是外國人也遠遠好於自己的公民從我看中文世界日報報導,中國人人已經開始崇拜西方人(A Chinese weakness is so eager to exhibit desire for showing off for their wealth and to be treated differently, like a celebrity or in some respects, as most Chinese media put emphasis on brand name to show one quickly perceived superficial wealth. Chinese people are becoming hypocritically as Chinese people had been long treated by westerners, such as British and French, as inferior to their counter-parts. Chinese social systems have also treated westerns pr foreigners much better than their own citizens as from my reading of Chinese WJ, Chinese people have started to worship westerns).


我的衣服都是從$3美元,最貴的一個我買的是$75美元其中大部分是中國製造。這件衣服在我照片上在是否生活條件會較佳如中國人生活沒有中國共產黨?只是45.99美元不錯而舒適。內在美更具有可持續性和價值比起表面上的美。只要其耐用和緊跟時代。名牌產品並非一定好或甚至是提高了消費者的外觀。WSJ調66%的美國有錢人不在乎名牌的產品比例從34%在早期(Well, my clothes are all from US$3.00 to most expensive one I got is $75.00 and most of them made in China. The dress in the picture at, if the better-off Chinese lives without Chinese communist party, is only $45.99 and it is nice and comfortable. Inner-beauty is more sustainable and valuable than superficial beauty. As long as its durable and in keeping with the times. Famous brand name products are not a necessarily well made or even enhance the consumer’s appearance. WSJ polls 66% of American wealthy people do not care a brand name products increased from 34% form early year).


中國的關稅應高若貨物由中國遊客購買在入中國海關。此外應該極為高處罰若虛假誤導或不聲明報. 10X20X值的產品若問題產品(Chinese customs duty should be much higher on goods bought form oversees brought into China by Chinese tourist. Furthermore, the penalty for false, misleading or failure of declaration should be extremely high, like 10X or 20X value of item on question).


Jennie PC Chiang江佩珍 07/18/11 

( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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Jennie PC Chiang
To answer 貢菊茶包's arguments.
2011/07/19 00:10

@貢菊茶包    To answer your arguments:

1) I did indicate that I am not familiar with Taiwan judicial systems or constitutions and I am not a fan of 李登輝 . But strictly legal point of view, it is not a fairly judicial system to have the accused of the burden of having to defend against stale charges after memories may have faded or evidence is lost. The period which can be suspended or tolled when the accused is a fugitive or when the case involves charges of child abuse, bankruptcy, wartime fraud against the government, or DNA evidence. Please read my article of 李登輝 legal related issues one more time and carefully. I think that I explained details with applying the US legal point of views.

2) The reason that poor people are fat, diabetic or even cancer is because they eat too much junk food like cheap and no nutrition food or fast food restaurant, without much fruits and vegetables, which cause the healthiest problems, especially in fat and diabetic. Well, vitamin “C” helps build and maintain tissues and strengthening immune system help decrease total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, protects against heart disease and other healthy benefit. That is why I stated that Taiwan traditional diet is the best for the healthy benefits.

3) Well, I am Taiwanese originally, I am not familiar with China or Chinese society yet reading through Chinese WJ is that Chinese are so eager to exhibit desire for showing off for their wealth and to be treated differently, like a celebrity or in some respects, as most Chinese media put emphasis on brand name to show one quickly perceived superficial wealth. It seems to me that Chinese people buy their brand name to show off, rather than to be comfortable or durable and in keeping with the times.

江佩珍 07/18/11 美國

hi just few opinions
2011/07/18 12:58
看你很會寫卻連GOOGLE一下都不肯. 李登輝的貪污罪, 刑法的追訴期從民國94年的20年延伸到30年了. 所以11年離追訴期結束還遠著呢. 另外只有美國窮人容易的肥胖,糖尿和癌症; 在第三世界的窮人是沒資格得這些病的, 如果搞不明白, 你把台灣的時間拉回3,40年前那個缺乏物質的時候就會很清楚了.
For this article, I believe this is just an abstemious period of time these wealthier Chinese  want to spend money in top brands to show off their buying power and release their internior desiread that has been repressed over 50 years. As I know from other Chinese societies and from friends around China, they invested much more moeny in their children's education than buy a LV bag. I totally agree with you the people in here didn't really care much in clothes or food, same as I, I can wear 5 for $10 t-shirt that I bought in Coney Island all summer long, but  I won't give up my vacations time every year compare to other Chinese who rather make more money in here than take a vacation. 

樓 JenniePCChiang 發言於2011-07-18 05:52:26 0 1

我們有農民的抗議,由於銷售停滯。如果農民賺錢,那麼我們就沒有 "農民有幾種?" 這個論點在這。

中國人人都變得如此虛偽由於中國人被西方人長期對待,如英國和法國,為低劣種。中國人社會制度在對待西方人或是外國人也好於自己的公民從我看中文世界日報報導.中國人已經完全盲目崇洋. 例如台灣傳統的飲食是非常健康的飲食,直到西方 食品,油膩食物沒有 太多的蔬菜和水果中的飲食來台灣。然後,肥胖,糖尿病和癌症等隨著西方的飲食習慣而來。


你可以閱讀細節文章: “為何中國人會如此虛偽和崇洋?” 剛剛發布, 在JenniePCChiang 部落格, 聯合報部落格。

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 07/18/11

2011/07/18 09:14


I Thank you for pointing out. Well, 中文是由谷歌翻譯。如果我沒有修改或遺漏句子,連我自己也無法理解。這算是最好的從谷歌翻譯。


江佩珍 07/18/2011

2011/07/18 05:58