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台灣檢察官是不有任何法律立場對李登輝提訟在經過11年後呢? (If It Is Any Legal Merits To Bring Up The Suits A
2011/07/02 05:25:18瀏覽876|回應0|推薦0

我不知道台灣是否有法規時效期限,它是支配在刑事案件的時間必須開始一個法律程序。我意識到台灣的法官或政府檢察官的法律詮釋,有時,是值得商榷的。此外,台灣法院不應該,在假借的解釋,擴大範圍的法規,包括其中的情況下不提供也不旨在由台灣國會議員或立法機構。(I wonder if Taiwan has statutes of limitation in criminal cases that dictates the time period within which a legal proceeding must begin. I realize that Taiwan judges or government prosecutors construe the laws, sometimes, are questionable. Furthermore, Taiwan Courts should not, in the guise of interpretation, enlarge the scope of a statute and include therein situations not provided nor intended by the Taiwan lawmakers or legislative bodies).


嚴格的法律觀點,我不偏袒任何一方,若前總統李登輝正當的法律程序受到了侵犯。我不熟悉的台灣法律程序。我要應用於的時效期限基於美國的法律程序。訴訟時效的目的在刑事案件中保證及時起訴的刑事指控並因此不遺餘力被告的負擔以致要辯護過時的指控由於可能記憶已經淡化或證據丟失(Strictly legal point of view and I am not taking sides, if ex-president 李登輝 due process of law has been violated. I am not familiar with Taiwan legal proceeding. I am going to apply the statute of limitations base on US legal proceedings. The purpose of a statute of limitations in a criminal case is to ensure the prompt prosecution of criminal charges and thereby spare the accused of the burden of having to defend against stale charges after memories may have faded or evidence is lost).


多數美國聯邦犯罪,如果李登輝的腐敗會發生在這裡,它會根據美國聯邦法律,均受一般5年法規的限制。該法令的限制不適用於死罪行,期間暫緩執行或敲的根據數字的情況下,例如當被告是一名逃犯,或當案件及虐待兒童的指控,破,戰時欺詐反對政府,或DNA證據。該法規對李登輝的限制,貪或危害金融機構應為 10年,如果它會發生在美國。(Majority of US federal crimes, if 李登輝’s corruption would have occurred here, it would be under US federal laws, are governed by the general five year statute of limitations. The statute of limitations do not apply to the capital offense and the period suspended or tolled under a number of circumstances such as when the accused is a fugitive or when the case involves charges of child abuse, bankruptcy, wartime fraud against the government, or DNA evidence. The statute of limitation for 李登輝, corruption or crimes against financial institution should be 10 years if it would have occurred in US).


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 07/01/11


( 時事評論政治 )
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