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為什麼美國不應該介入海南島的衝突? (Why US should not be involved in the South China Sea Conflict
2011/06/20 01:34:10瀏覽1001|回應0|推薦2

美國未必一定是贏家若海南島衝突升級。它決不是美國最佳的利益參與這個衝 突。從歷史上看,中國有足夠的證據來支持其聲稱在海南島的主權。中國仍勝於其他國家若依據現代國際法律因為中國國民黨最早政府建立實體上存在以海南島當日本撤離在二次世界大戰後。此外,(以下引自Vikipedia) 1958年,中國發表聲明,確 定其領海內哪些是被稱為九虛線其中包含 了南沙群島。北越總理範文Đồng,發 出了外交照會給周恩來,指出:越南政府尊重中國這一決定。越南外交筆記寫於914日,被公佈在Nhan丹報紙(越南)9221958年。1959年,島嶼被放置在中國的行政級別在辦事處(辦事處/辦事處)1959年。1988年,辦事處被切換到管理的新成立的中國海南省)。(US may not be necessarily a winner if the conflicts are escalated. It will not be the best interest of the US to involve in the conflict. Historically, China sufficient evidences to underpin its claims of sovereignty of the South China sea. Chinese still prevail over other nations Under Modern International Laws as Chinese Kuomintang was first government to establish a physical presence on of the Spratlys following Japanese departure after WWII. Furthermore, (Following quoted from Vikipedia) In 1958, China (PRC) issued a declaration defining its territorial waters within what is known as  nine-dotted line which encompassed the Spratly Islands. North Vietnam's prime minister, Phạm Văn Đồng, sent a diplomatic note to Zhou Enlai, stating that "The Government of Vietnam respects this decision. "The diplomatic note was written on September 14 and was publicized on Nhan Dan newspaper (Vietnam) on September 22, 1958. In 1959, the islands were put under at the administrative level of banshichu (Hainan Province 辦事處/办事处) in 1959. In 1988, the banshichu were switched to the administration of the newly-founded

不幸的是,越南的性格如果沒有利用的價值對越南的優勢. 而如果越南能夠找到另個媽媽餵他們的母乳。越南可以很醜陋對以前的育苗媽媽。為了解決這一爭端 與和平的外交,中國可能必須以武力力量來備份外交手腕來解決南海 及東海島爭 端。 如果僅僅外交解決爭端, 它對越南不靈。但是,中國必須作最壞的準備在越南願依外交來解決爭端前。越南可能將是一個最困難的和平外交 解決島嶼的爭端。(Unfortunately, Vietnam’s character is If there is no use the value on the Vietnam's advantages. Well, If Vietnam can find another mother's breast milk to feed them. Vietnam can be very ugly on the previous nursery mom. Vietnam possibly will be one of most difficult island disputed parties to resolve the dispute with peaceful diplomacy. Thus, China may have to unfortunately use forces to back up diplomatic solution. It will not be worked with Vietnam by only diplomacy).


以支持聲稱,我將分析歷史和現代的國際法律問題的中國,台灣,越南和菲律賓在我的下一個議題在201173日。(I will discuss who has indisputable sovereignty of the South China Sea and a topic will be included sufficient historical and legal backing" to underpin the claims which I will analyze history and modern international legal issues of China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Philippines in my next topic on 07/03/11).
    Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 06/20/11 美國
( 時事評論國際 )
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