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從黃芳彥的案件來看待台灣的外交虛弱。(From 黃芳彥‘s Case to Perceive The Weakness of Taiwan Diplomacy)
2011/05/31 06:42:16瀏覽813|回應0|推薦0


尾。據我了解或涉及許多美國人攜有中國人的根源通過中文世界日報。是的,中國或台灣確實需要一個良好的外交隊伍。團隊的成員必須包括一個擁有美國法律學位,在美國良好的法律執業經驗,以保護在美國的中國或台灣及其公民的利益。從我的經驗, 美國的法律 制度是比中國或台灣的法律制度複雜得多。(As said many Chinese only know how internal infighting and dealing with outsiders has no a backbone of the glans Gumi as I have acquainted or dealt with many Americans with Chinese roots through Chinese WJ. Yes, China or Taiwan does need a good diplomatic team. The members of a team must include one who has a law degree with a good experience of the legal practitioner from US to protect the interest of China or Taiwan and its citizens here. As from my experience, American legal systems are lot more complicated than China or Taiwan legal systems).


根據美國聯邦18U.S.C.1956(h),串謀洗錢是5年監禁倍罰款25萬美元,如果說這個犯罪是發生在美國。黃芳彥的案子是一個刑事案件如依台灣政府所提供的資料,但美國政府檢察官沒有領土管轄權,因為事件的罪行是發生於台灣。由於台灣與美國沒有引渡條約,因此,黃芳彥在這裡是一個自由的人(Under US Federal 18U.S.C. Sec. 1956(h), a conspiracy of money laundering is 5 years jail times with a fine of $250,000 if said a crime would have occurred in US. 黃芳‘s case is a criminal case as information provided by Taiwan government yet US government prosecutors do not have a territorial jurisdiction over the events as said the crimes had been occurred in Taiwan. Since Taiwan does not have a extradition treaty with US, 黃芳 is a free man here).


台灣可以起訴黃芳彥在民事欺詐行為在加州聯邦地方法院在黃芳彥的居住州而我相信貨幣損傷詐騙超 75,000美元。不過,在我看來,法定期限似乎已過期,法規限 制的欺詐是 三年根據加州法律,它不可能對黃芳彥提起訴訟若法定期限已經過期。(Taiwan could have sued 黃芳for a fraud in civil actions in

California federal district court
where 黃芳 has resided and I am sure that the monetary damage for fraud is more than $75,000. However, it seems to me that the statutory period has expired, the statute of limitations for a fraud is 3 years under California laws and it is not possible to file a lawsuit against 黃芳 after statutory period has expired).


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/31/11


PS.  在美更具有可持續性和價比起表面上。(Inner-beauty is more sustainable and value than superficial beauty).

( 時事評論政治 )
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