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2011/05/16 12:52:26瀏覽820|回應0|推薦1

喜歡與否,答案是。為了防止歷史再次重演,我們必須先了解我們的歷史。毛澤東先生和四人幫創建文革是一個錯誤,但人們不能完全否認當前中國共產黨領導人領導中國社會的穩定和繁榮。我並不偏袒任何一方。我主要關注的是一個穩定的亞洲大陸。任何中國不穩定將動搖整個亞洲大陸的穩定,包括台灣在內。(Like or not, the answer is “NO”. To prevent the history repeated itself again, we must first learn our history. Cultural revolution was a mistake created by Mr. Mao and the gang of four yet one can not totally deny current Chinese communist party leading Chinese social stability and prosperity. I am not taking sides. My major concern is a stability of Asian continent. Any unstable China will destabilize Asian continent which includes Taiwan).

馬克思的學說跟其他宗教信仰將不會有任何區別,如果馬克思的將是其信仰和崇拜儀式。這是危險的,如果宗教涉及在政治。這就是為什麼美國宗教分離政治,甚至宗教信仰自由受憲法第一修正案但又要克制的事,如任何有害於和平,良好秩序和道德的社會的禁止(Marx’s doctrine will not be any difference if Marx’s would have been worshiped with its creed and ritual. It is dangerous if religion would have involved in politic. It is the reason that we, America, separate the religions from politic, even the religious freedom is protected by First Amendment yet it also forbear to do, such as not inimical to the peace, good order, and morals of society). 

中國的人權是不完美但人權是緊密聯繫在一起正確地政府職能,如健全的憲法和法律制度強加於社會利益及教育水平。人民沒有人權如果住在的國家,如墨西哥,巴基斯坦,甚至印度,屠殺無助人類幾乎每隔數天或數週。台灣應該認為自己是幸運的,因為它不跟任何超級強國相鄰,否則,台灣的社會制度不得優於墨西哥,惡棍及販毒犯屠殺無助人類幾乎每隔數天或數週由於一些台灣法官的詮釋與翻譯判徒刑方面對法律上的翻譯是不符合標準桿,脫離社會是實, 從局外人的角度來看根據美國憲法和法律制度(China human right is not perfect yet the human right is closely connected with properly governmental function, such as soundly constitution and legal systems impose in interests of community as well as the level of the education. What human right does people live in the countries, such as Mexico, Pakistan, or even India, massacre helpless human beings almost every other days or weeks. Taiwan should considers itself a lucky as it is not next to any super-power, otherwise, Taiwan social system may not be better than Mexico, killing or massacre every other days or weeks as some Taiwanese judges construe the sentence in connection with translation of laws which are not up to the par from outsider‘s perspective based on the United States constitution and legal systems).


多年的尊重非裔美國人的人權。美國還是濫用人權在昆塔納它儘管違反了我們自己的憲法性法律,如水刑折磨及其他折磨在所謂的國家安全。為了避免中國濫用人權,中國需要改善其憲法法律和法律制度以及提高的教育水平。人權不是美國天真的認為只要重複一遍又一遍的中國人權, 如間斷錄音機, 那麼就會解決中 國的人權紀錄(It took US for more than 100 years to respect African-Americans’ human right. We, America, still abused human right, such as water boarding and other tortures for purpose of so called national security in Quintana even it violated our own constitutional laws. To avoid human right abuse, China need to improve its constitutional laws and legal systems as well as to bring up the level of the education. Human right is not what the United States think just repeating the same thing, like broken record, over and over will solve China human right record).
      Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/16/11 美國 
( 時事評論政治 )
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