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美國總統奧巴馬和台灣總統馬英九將會再次當選嗎? (If president Obama and president Ma Yen-Jeu will be re-
2011/04/15 11:28:01瀏覽984|回應3|推薦1

若美國總統奧巴馬和台灣總統馬英九將會再次當選嗎? (If US president Obama and Taiwan president Ma Yen-Jeu will be re-elected?)

台灣馬總統,For Taiwan President Ma,

我的回答將是"是的只要台灣的社會穩定和經濟持續增長。民主進步黨(簡稱民進黨)要擊敗馬總統和國民黨2012年選舉中,贏得了民眾或無黨派人士的選票,民進黨領導人不可推行隨心所欲的精神蠱惑人心的前台灣總統陳水扁本。大部分台灣民眾認為台灣的方向是正確的在台灣馬英九的領導下,但他們並並不喜歡一些台灣政客對中國吠叫乖乖地適合西歐和美國人高興和願望,精湛的反射動作。(My answer will be “yes” provided that Taiwan social stability and economic growth continually. Democratic Progress Party (hereinafter called DPP) wants to defeat President Ma and Kuomintang for 2012 election and win the favor of the populace or independents’ votes; DPP leaders can not practice the free-wheeling psychotic demagoguery of Taiwan ex-president Chen Shui-ben. The most populace likes the direction Taiwan is heading to under the leadership of President Ma yet they do not like some Taiwan politicians bark obediently at China at the pleasure and wishes of Western Europeans and American, as consummate reflex actions).

至於我跟大多數台灣人交談的當我20095月在台灣時,大部分獨立選民要么不喜歡或者是懷疑民進黨正面對抗中國而那些選民喜歡依對話框來代替對抗中國。 (As I spoke to most people in Taiwan when I was in Taiwan in May, 2009, majority of independent voters either do not like or are skeptical about DPP a head-on confrontation with China and those voters prefer a dialog to confrontation with China ).

美國總統奧巴馬,(For US President Barrack Obama),

我的回答仍然是是的只要在所有美國就業正在逐步改善和美國經濟是健康的增長。奧巴馬總統是一位倖存者,他有一種最後一分鐘回來取勝的藝術家。共和黨打敗他時,只有由於伊拉克,阿富汗和利比亞戰爭將失去控制,而又在美國失業和經濟越來越糟。否則,他將再次當選一次。(My answer will still be “yes” provided that over all US employment is improved gradually and US economy is healthy growth. President Obama is a survivor; he has a kind of last-minute come back artist. Republicans can only defeat him when the Iraq , Afghan and Libya wars would have gotten out of hand; and also US over all unemployment and economy are getting worse. Otherwise, he will be re-elected again).

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 04/13/11 美國

Well, I am looking for a job. Taiwan governmental work is my first choice to help improvement of Taiwan social system with my legal knowledge and CPA background. One can reach me at glaxay0727@yahoo.com. Resume is available upon request.  

( 時事評論其他 )
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2011/06/07 04:21

Jennie PC
resonse to 2011/04/16 18:20 argument
2011/05/02 19:31
是的,馬英九總統執政可能不完美,但在我看來,他曾試圖努力成為一個好的總統按目前台灣的社會制度的設立。首先,台灣需要一個良好的外來法律專業,如美國,為台灣的法官培訓和法律專業在高等教育上。然後,台灣必須從司法獨立從行政辦公室,國會議員對等。此外,增加了教育水平。由外來的角度看,台灣的法官和法律界人士沒有達到水平若按美國的法律標準來看。( I do agree the most of what Mr. 蘇俊賓 claims. Yes, 馬英九總統執政may not be perfect but it seems to me that he have tried hard to be a good president as the way Taiwan social systems have been set up. First, Taiwan needs a good legal professional from outside, such as USA, to train Taiwan judges and legal professional in the higher education. Then, Taiwan must separate executive office from judicial office, lawmakers and vis-a-vis. Also, increase a level of education. From outside perspective, Taiwanese judges and legal professionals not up-to-par as per American legal standard).

我絕對台灣人 我一直在美國接受教育,我不屬於任何台灣黨派或偏袒任何一方。 我所有的評論都是基於事實資料通常是由台灣媒體提供。(I am absolutely Taiwanese. I have been educated in the United States and I am not member of any Taiwanese parties or favor any party in Taiwan. All my comments are based on the facts which the information usually is provided by Taiwan media).

但願李登輝先生並不是想棄馬保台挺日本. 從他的講話通過媒體. 他是更關注日本人比台灣人對台灣人來講.民主是一線之間混亂的社會和自由。自由必須有合理的規範及禁制,本國憲法和法律制度,施加在以社區利益. 我是註冊會計師,我很熟悉的美國憲法法律及每個州大部分的法律制度。我十分清楚很多台灣社會問題出現,由於不均衡水平的教育和法律制度。(from his speech through media. He is more concerned Japanese than Taiwanese. Democracy is fine line between chaotic society and freedom. Freedom must be reasonable regulations and prohibitions, by its constitution and legal systems, imposed in interests of community. I am CPA and I am very familiar with US constitutional laws and most of each state legal systems. I know very well that lot of Taiwanese social problems arose due to uneven of a level of the education and legal systems. )

 Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/02/11

My answer is "NO" for both Questions...
2011/04/16 18:20

My answer is "NO" for both Questions...





在台灣,綠的亂,藍的爛...亂黨亂民 vs 爛黨爛民!!!
盲目,死忠的國民黨員...不要愛之,適以害之!!!  天亡台灣!!!  悲哀!!!