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第一個重要步驟來贏得您的官司,第二部分。共五部分。by 江佩珍
2011/03/15 11:28:21瀏覽3454|回應0|推薦0

訴訟人未必能打贏官司,如果當事人或者其律師對被訴訟法院的法律中的程序規則不熟。(Litigants may not be able to win the lawsuit if litigants or their attorneys are not familiar with Procedure Rule of where the legal action has been brought up.)

每一個司法管轄區議事規則的細節差距很大,而且甚至每一個法院議事規則的細節差距很大在同管轄區裡。如果當事人或他們的律師沒有遵守程序規則可能會導致嚴重的限制提出任何索賠的能力在抗辯隨後的審判,甚至造成解僱的訴訟,對被告人可能 而缺席判決可能輸入。(The details of Procedure Rules differ greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and often from court to court within the same jurisdiction. If litigants’ or their attorneys’ failure to comply with the Procedural Rules may result in serious limitations upon the ability to present claims or defenses at any subsequent trial, or even caused by dismissal of the lawsuit, for Defendants who may be in default and a judgment by default may be entered.)

如果您是台灣或中國公民 (If one is a Taiwan or Chinese citizens.)

台灣或中國公民可以在這裡被起訴。但是,如果台灣或中國公民是政府或政府代表或其企業台灣或中國政府擁有一半以上的股份在美國不能被起訴根據1976年外國主權豁免法。(Taiwan or Chinese citizens can be sued here. However, if a citizen of Taiwan or China is a government or a government reprehensive or corporation whose Taiwan or China governments owns over half of its shares can not be sued in the United States under Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976.)

不在乎是否你是美國,台灣或中國公民或者如果你是原告還是被告。根據原告的觀點,能幹律師展開訴訟代表是確保他或她的客戶的判決不僅是有利於他/她的客戶,當然選擇訴訟地,給原告選擇法律,司法和過程,而且還可執行的。(It does not matter if you are an American citizen, Taiwanese or Chinese or if you are a Plaintiff or a Defendant. Under Plaintiffs’ perspective; the competent lawyer who commences litigation on behalf of client is to secure for his or her client a judgment that is not only favorable, Choice of forum which give Plaintiff a choice of law, jurisdiction, and process, but also enforceable.)

然而,被告人的角度出發,能幹辯護律師有機會挑戰原告的選擇訴訟地。被告可以受益於一個無法執行的判決。如果被告確實希望反對原告的選擇訴訟地,反對一般必須立即斷言以避免放棄了異議。但儘管如此,辯護律師也需要評估的成本和成功概率在挑戰原告的選擇訴訟地時。(However, Defendants’ perspective; the competent Defense counsel is given the opportunity to challenge Plaintiff’s choice of forum. The Defendant can benefit from an unenforceable judgment. If the defendant does wish to object the Plaintiff’s choice of forum, the objection must generally be asserted at once in order to avoid waiver of the objection. But nonetheless, the Defense attorney needs also to evaluate the cost and probability of success in challenging plaintiff’s choice of forum).

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 03/15/11 美國


This is general legal concept, neither I nor WJ nor UDN intend to provide any legal service. Do not rely solely on aforesaid general legal concepts for your defense. You may lose your case based on your application of these general legal concepts. If you have any legal problems, then you should consult a attorney.

( 時事評論其他 )
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