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中國有可能攻占台灣嗎?? (If China will attack Taiwan?) by 江佩珍
2011/02/15 14:01:50瀏覽1148|回應2|推薦1

我的答覆是”, 然而由於台灣長期妄想來自中國大陸的軍事攻擊,台灣也因此成為一個無助的棋子完全易受西方和日本的操縱扭捏非理性隱藏在心裡的恐懼。這絕對不是中國的最佳利益以武力統一台灣,我可以保證,只要民 進黨成員不會 作任何的挑釁行為,中國領導人將不會使用武力統一台灣(My answer is “NO” yet because of Taiwan perennial paranoia about military attack from Mainland China, Taiwan has thus become a helpless pawn totally susceptible to western and Japanese manipulations tweaking this irrational fear it harbors. It is not China’s best interest to unify Taiwan by force and I can guarantee that Chinese leaders will not use a force to unify Taiwan providing that members of Democratic Progressive Party will not make any acts of provocation).

我不同意Mr. Roger Cliff and Mr. Abraham Denmark宣稱,在世界日報,中國發展彈 道飛彈,巡弋飛彈,航空母艦及精準攻擊武器等,讓中國有能力攻擊美國 航母戰 鬥群及數千哩外的美國基地,也有能力攻擊並擊敗台灣的傳統武器系統。這是不現實的中國不能保衛自己的主權,無視它的歷史或將被視為第二層實體在另一個國家的召喚,並呼籲像一個壞習慣左在從殖民時代。(I do not agree with Mr. Roger Cliff and Mr. Abraham Denmark who claims, in WJ, that 中國 發展彈道飛彈、巡弋飛彈、航空母艦及精準 攻擊武器等,讓中國有能力攻擊美國航母戰鬥群及數千哩外的美國基地,也有能力攻擊並擊敗台灣的傳統武器系統。It is unrealistic to expect China not to defend its own sovereignty, to ignore its history or to be treated as a second tier entity at another country’s beckon and call like a bad habit left over from the colonial era).

台灣的最大利益就是台灣維持現狀,而不斷升級與中國加強對話以降低兩岸之間的緊張關係。不幸的是,台灣無法也永遠不會是獨立的,尤其是在日本的送秋波的眼睛從我外部觀察者的角度來看。(The best interest for Taiwan is Taiwan maintains status quo while escalating closer dialogue with China to reduce tension between Taiwan Strait. Unfortunately, Taiwan can not be and will never be independent, especially under Japan’s leering eyes from my objective, outside observer’s perspective).   

日本最高級領導人在政府和行業仍然把台灣作為日本帝國主義的殖民地,他們內心深處的心理塑造了50年的總統治台灣由日本人在台灣的行為方式或行為。(Most of senior Japanese leaders in government and industry still regard Taiwan as a Japanese colony deep inside their imperialist psyche molded by 50 years of total domination over Taiwan as from the way of Japanese behaviors or acts in Taiwan).

台灣應該非常謹慎與日本的交往由於跡象日益顯示出日本極度焦慮和侵襲性在拉攏台灣。台灣不應被淹沒自己的妄想症關於中國變得完全盲目,並採取對日本不良動機的警惕。(Taiwan should be very cautious in its dealings with Japan as Japan increasingly shows signs of extreme anxiety and aggressiveness in its courting of Taiwan. Taiwan should not be overwhelmed by own paranoia about China to become blind and taken totally of guard towards the Japanese ulterior motive of colonizing Taiwan).

  Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍02/15/11 美國 

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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sure !!!
2012/06/20 21:19


2011/02/17 15:51



