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如果你已經被控告在美國法院, 幾個重要的步驟你應該知道來保護你的權利不論你是美國,台灣或中國公民. by 江佩珍
2011/02/05 13:22:01瀏覽1188|回應0|推薦1

討論將從文件服務送達的過程中到找到合適的律師為你辯護,然後成功地抵禦原告的訴訟請求。(Discussion will be from a service of process to find a right attorney for your defense and then successfully defends against plaintiff’s claim).

共5個部分(5 parts total) 

 本文將強調民事訴訟,因為民事訴訟比刑事訴訟程序更為複雜,民事程序法一種機構的法律關於方法,程序及慣例應用於民用訴訟。刑事訴訟對犯罪嫌疑人權利是較有限比較民事訴訟。(The article will be emphasized the Civil Procedure, it is much more complicated than the criminal procedure, which is a body of law concerned with methods, procedures and practices used in civil litigation as a right of criminal suspect is more limited in the Criminal Procedure than in a Civil Procedure).

第1 / 5 (PART 1/5),


首先,你必須得到妥善申訴文件送達,而且必須是一個有效的送達,由法院官員,在最常見的普通法制度,司法管轄區規定須送達由治安官,警察,或執達主任如果在縣法院起訴或聯邦地區法院,或掛號信與收件人簽署回執。如果個人拒絕接受服務,逃跑,關閉門等等,而個人已被確定為受送達人或者在投訴裡的人,那文件/服務投訴可留下申訴文件,而被認為是一種有效的送達服務。一般暴力犯罪通常警察送達而如果被捕將在公職人員監護/拘留下直到法官設置法庭保釋金在首次出庭。(First, one must be properly served, it must be a valid service, by either a court official, in most common law systems, the jurisdictions required to be served by sheriff, marshal, constable, or bailiff if one has been sued in county court or Federal District court or certified mail with a recipient signed return receipt. If the individual refuses to accept service, flees, closes the door, etc., and the individual has been positively identified as the person to be served or in the complaint, documents/ complaint may be DROP served, and it is considered a valid service. A violent criminal usually is served by policies and is under a custody of a public officer or an officer of a court until a bail has been set by a judge at the initial appearance). ;

如果你居住在台灣或中國(One resides in Taiwan or China);

個人或公司服務居住在台灣或中國。根據標題28,聯邦法典第4條(f)要求服務在國外有效依照國際議定的任何方式或適用的條約或公約,若缺乏這樣的協議,服務國外(台灣或中國)可能有效根據台灣或中國法律服務,除非這些法律所禁止,以個人的服務或郵政服務。(Serving an individual or company resides in Taiwan or China . Under title 28, U.S.C. Rule 4(f) requires that service abroad be effected by any internationally agreed means or in the applicable treaty or convention or in the absence of such an agreement, service abroad ( Taiwan or China ) may be effected according to the laws of Taiwan or China where service occurs or, unless prohibited by such laws, by personal service or postal service).

然而,大多數對台灣或中國公司的訴訟,依我看來,被檢察官提訟而視為刑事罪行對台灣或中國公司或個人可能被視為故意侵犯了版權的17 U. S. C. A.,章節2319 of title18。例如,三個台灣行政主管和一中國主管曾被美國公司或執法人員誘惑下到美國和英國個別。後者在從英國引渡他到美國。(However, most of litigations, it seems to me, are brought up by prosecutors as a criminal offenses against Taiwanese or Chinese companies or person who may be considered as willfully infringes a copyrights under 17 U.S.C.A. section 2319 of title 18. For example, three Taiwanese executives and a Chinese executive had been lured by either American companies or law enforcement officers to the United States and Britain respectively. Later one then extradited him to the United States ).

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 02/04/11 美國



This is general legal concept, neither I nor WJ nor UDN intend to provide any legal service. Do not rely solely on aforesaid general legal concepts for your defense. You may lose your case based on your application of these general legal concepts. If you have any legal problems, then you should consult a attorney.

( 時事評論教育文化 )
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