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台灣 兩黨政治惡鬥是不嚴重惡化台灣及陸客傷亡人?? 江佩珍
2010/10/26 09:55:07瀏覽711|回應1|推薦1

蘇花公路崩山不只是「國恥」,已是「國際笑話」,這麼多陸客的傷亡,對於台灣國際觀光形象都有相當大的傷害.” quoted from 世界日報.

If Taiwan Governments are Too Busy With Political Turmoil And Intrigue To Attend To Its Populace???

My heart goes to all victim families. Natural disaster can not be prevented, but it can be minimized the casualty. I grew up in Taiwan and I did know that Taiwan had been a lot of natural disasters. The question is if Taiwan leaders, other than pointing fingers each other, have learned any thing from previous, such as Kaohsiung and Tainan, disaster. I am sure that many Taiwanese, like me, may have so many questions to ask Taiwan central (中央) and local, 宜蘭, government:

1) Taiwan weather forecasters should have predicted that there would have heavy rain due to Taiphone, the United States calls a hurricane, which may cause a mudslide or坍方in 蘇花公路.

2) The 蘇花公路 one side is ocean and the other side a dangerous cliffs, just heavy rain, not even Taiphone may cause the problem or mudslide/坍方. Why Taiwan central or local government did not close 蘇花公路 which most casualty has occurred.

3) Why Taiwan central government did not issue an emergency writ to evacuate possible affect area which may have caused a flood or a mudslide.

If Taiwan government knew what they were doing, we are talking about human lives. The question is if Taiwan governments have been too busy to intrigue into politic as Democratic Progressive Party (herein after called DPP) has hijacked Taiwan under pretext of Taiwan identity. It seems to me that Taiwan, Kuomintang or DPP parties, what they really care is the poll and how they can be re-elected. Both parties seem to me that they do not care about Taiwanese human lives.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 10/25/10 美國

( 時事評論政治 )
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2010/12/05 14:15