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IF 中國 IS READY for 政改 (POLITICAL REFORM)???? by 江佩珍
2010/10/15 09:22:37瀏覽421|回應0|推薦1

Before, I start the argument or this article, I will make sure that every one understand that I did not and do not work or propaganda for, paid by or benefit from Chinese government or pro-China group and I am not fanatic about politics or communism. Again, my major concern is a stability of Asian continent and to prevent history repeated itself again.

I am like most Americans here, not familiar with China, and try to learn more about China. Many anti-China commentaries here have made fiercely rhetoric attacks on China but they have never established beliefs of any reasons or truths, and some who may be Chinese dissidences in comments here could not even tolerate dissent opinion, while on the contrary, pro-China or just speak the fact, they usually exhibit facts or evidences alleged.

Currently, I do not agree with dozen those Chinese Communist Party elders to have political reform or to gradually loosen its grip on society by allowing the media to report freely and by halting internet censorship by the reason that Chinese society is not able to digest them. China must be first to raise level of people education, raise lever of awareness of legal right and legal obligation to its society or some kind of legal knowledge and legally adequate ability, such as go to judicial branch for a legal redressing of a damage or equitable relief instead of going to executive office or a ferocious attack on others if said one’s right has been violated.

To prevent the history repeated itself again, we must first learn our history. Japanese were not only brutality and labor in China during the Japanese occupation. Atrocities had been committed far more than the Nazis of Germany.

Following quoted from Text Sources:  “Chinese prisoners were kept in contraptions that resembled giant lobster traps with sharp nails imbedded in the ribs. After victims were beheaded their heads were neatly arranged in a line. A Japanese soldier told the NYT that they were taught from a young age to adore the emperor, and that , if they died in battle their souls would go to yasukui Junja, they just didn’t think anything of killing, of massacres or atrocities. It all seemed normal.”

Japanese scientists used human guinea pigs to perform grotesque experiments, which included Unit 731, at 26 secret laboratories in China, Japan and other occupied countries. Between 3.000 and 12.000 died for these experiments. Another 250,000 were killed with biological weapons throughout China, most from the plague. Unit 731 laboratory, experiments killed an estimated 10,000 people. Victims were Chinese, Mongolians and Koreans. Prisoners at Unit 731 were frozen to death, burned alive, dissected alive without anesthetic, shot, electrocuted, injected with animal blood, boiled and hung upside down until the died. Some were sealed inside pressure chambers that caused their eyes to pop out of their heads.”

Well, Japan is doing a very good job hiding its hideous nature and thus uses the naïve U.S. to its advantage. Japan will not hesitate to attack the United States again if the United States ever unshackles Japan, such as Pear Harbor or trying to recover Quam.

This article will also be posted in Wall Street Journal as well as my blog at US Chinese World Journal, Taiwan China Times, and Taiwan United Daily News.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 10/14/10 美國

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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