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2010/08/13 01:21:14瀏覽400|回應0|推薦2

中國解放軍將軍朱成虎在新加坡會中明指美國推行對中國敵視政策。中國國防部外事辦公室副主任關友飛少將也當著美國官員指責美國是霸主,正在策畫包圍中國的戰略聯盟。任何中美關係惡化及緊張. 中國不是贏家, 但也不是最大的輸家.
As the United States of America becomes obsessively concerned with losing the grip on the Asian continent in reacting to China gradually becoming a developed country, Mr. Obama administration has engaged in foreign practices that are not only unbecoming or a superpower but are in fact embarrassingly naïve and short-sighted maneuvers which we may have a shout-term gain yet eventually it brings about a terrible catastrophe for the United States of America and Asian continent by course of our action or said behavior.
Foremost, the United States attempts to use Japan or India, or now even our formal enemy of Vietnam, as counter-balance against China. However, it appears that the US is being conveniently manipulated and taken advantage of by those countries, especially Japan.
It seems to me that Japan is using America’s desperate desires to contain and control China to build for itself a ground of legitimacy for its secretly harbored goals of military, political and further economic expansion as well as territorial aggression, as driven by its traditional phobia about its own deficiencies as a nation, that is, about its lack of natural resources and certain key assets. As we go through its culture and history, convinced of its own superiority as nation and driven by relentless need to achieve absolute domination, it should be clear that Japan will not be happy in its current international status. Japanese leaders know very well that in order to satisfy its superiority complex and achieve dominant superpower status on the international stage, Japan must possess the basic capability to consistently and forcibly infringe on, exploit and take from its neighbors against their will the resources it needs, whether it be oil, minerals, human labor, territory etc.
Now, if 北韓擊沉南韓「天安艦」. South Korea claimed that North attacked South vessel with smoking gun yet North Korea has vehemently denied of sinking the naval ship Cheonan. The act of war by North only if the evidence has been examined and agreed by either neutral countries or North confesses to the attack of which North has been accused. Now, the question is why South would not allow North or neutral countries, such as China or Russia, to examined the evidence and South Korea has denied access to evidence requested by North. Thus the evidence is hearsay. North Korea does have a right of compulsory process and to have a closer examination of the some key facts or evidence.
The question is if the United States accepts Associations of North & South America to solve in dispute if said America is in dispute either water or territory with Canada. It is more practical to solve any dispute within disputed party or parties. It will not get any problem solved if it is through America or Association of Asia.
China can not just sign a blank check without knowing for what purposes of check. The United States has a burden of proof that Iran intends to produce nuclear arms and North Korea attacked South vessel in order for China or Russia agrees for further sanction of either country.
Jennie PC Chiang 08/12/10 USA美國
( 時事評論國際 )
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