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2010/07/19 05:20:58瀏覽309|回應0|推薦1



美國政府可望在出售這兩座房產後,將部分款項交台灣. I do not think that 馬政府對美國 民事法不懂 (not familiar). 美國民事法very complicated. Of cause, 馬政府可ask 美國政府 return most 款項賄款台灣 after subtract litigation, judicial and other related expense paid out by 美國司法 as money is illegal 收受賄款 which is not illegal drug related 洗錢. I will provide legal related information if it must file a complaint in US Federal court as diversity jurisdiction.



扁家房產業主公司登記在黃睿靚名下. 因此, 黃睿靚所有權人而非陳致中even the事關財產的簽名人卻是陳致中. Some of 中國時報社論is fair 而非 all correct under 沒收的美國民事法.

美國為怎麼以民事法而非Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure??
有利以美國民事法的沒收 (forfeiture):

有利以美國司法 as 黃睿靚 or 陳致中對美國法律不懂. 美國民事法very complicated. Thus, 黃睿靚 or 陳致中 must hire an attorney or attorneys with good experience of
沒收的美國民事法. An attorney’s fee can pile up to US hundred thousands or million dollars easily.

美國民事司法 do not need a concurrent criminal case, so assets can be civilly forfeited even if the launderer has not been criminally charged. This is especially useful when the launderer is either dead, missing, or a fugitive. Considering the number of false identities or fronts that are used in money laundering schemes which is common, such as 盡管扁家房產業主公司登記在黃睿靚名下,但事關財產的簽名人卻是陳致中。如果是非正當到美國置產. Such as 先透過空殼公司把錢轉到英屬維京群島,然後才轉到美國,而且錢的入境且隱匿身分。

3) The property was involved in money laundering generally, but specific financial transaction can not be identified.

4) 陳致中
got the properties held in the name of a nominee, for which insufficient evidence exists to convict, but美國can prove money laundering activity.

陳致中 or
黃睿靚 property in transaction in violation of 18 U.S.C. @1956 or 1957, or 31 U.S.C. @5313(a) or @ 5324(a), or any property traceable to such property, may be seized.

Jennie PC Chiang 07/19/10
美國 USA

( 時事評論政治 )
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