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筆者是按照座號安排所要找的資料,每一次的訓練班都被提示要如此。包括這下面全部的旅遊安全常識內容和一些些中文補充景點說明為筆者所找出。三人一組的前提下,「溪頭」景點的底下資料一半以上是當年同組的班代袁立剛作的,尤其是英語版(共筆純文字檔不附圖)。 ▲旅遊安全常識9: 旅客出國搭機時,常隨身攜帶乳液、飲料、牙膏、髮膠及醫療用藥等液態、膠狀及噴霧類物品,但自96年3月1日起,旅客出國搭機時,隨身攜帶液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品,需符合以下規定,否則,僅可放置於託運行李內: 一般的規定,在機場過海關安檢時: 1. 旅客身上或隨身行李內所攜帶之液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品之容器,其體積不可超過100毫升。 2. 所有液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品容器均應裝於不超過1公升且可重複密封之透明塑膠袋內,所有容器裝於塑膠袋內時, 塑膠袋應可完全密封。 3. 前項所述之塑膠袋每名旅客僅能攜帶1個,於通過安檢線時須自隨身行李中取出,並放置於置物籃內通過檢查人員目視及X光檢查儀檢查。
特別規定有二: 其一就是本題所問的,出境或過境(轉機)旅客在機場管制區或前段航程於航機內購買之液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品,可隨身攜帶上機,但需包裝於經籤封防止調包及顯示有效購買證明之塑膠袋內。
其二為嬰兒奶品/食品及藥物、糖尿病或其他醫療所需之液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品,應先向航空公司洽詢,並於通過安檢線時,向安全檢查人員申報,於獲得同意後,可不受前揭規定之限制。 #9 9.溪頭森林遊樂區
溪頭 地: 溪頭位於南投縣鹿谷鄉,溪頭自然教育園區(溪頭森林遊樂區)位於南投縣鹿谷鄉鳳凰谷山麓,是一三面環山的凹谷地形,溪頭是台灣唯一不靠海的縣市南投縣,是政府委由台灣大學所管理的實驗林場之一,主要範圍之海拔在800~2,000公尺之間,佔地約2500公頃,年均溫攝氏23度,其名稱由來是因為在北勢溪的源頭,故名溪頭。溪頭之所以能在台灣眾多自然景觀當中佔有一席之地,就是因為其豐富的森林生態,區內共約有木本植物300種,草本植物1300種,還有完善的森林體驗設施,以及最受觀光客喜愛的芬多精。
時: 講到溪頭就得先提一下他的歷史,1895年中日甲午戰爭結束後,中日訂立馬關條約,割讓台灣與日本。隔年東京帝大的教授來台全境勘察後,發現此處具備各種森林帶,極適合供大學做實驗林場之用,於是日本便在此處設置了實驗林場。二次大戰日本戰敗後,台灣光復,中華民國政府將此處交由台灣大學農學院管理。由此可知,溪頭森林生態的豐富性實為台灣之最,也成為觀光客心目中體會森林浴的最佳去處。 溪頭民國59年規劃設置為森林遊樂區,其露營區於92年5月5日起重新營運;提供烤肉、營火、露營。上午7點起開放入園,下午5點後停止入園。全票:200/160元,優待票:150/120元,半票:100 /80元。溪頭月均溫之變動範圍在11.0~20.8℃,年均溫為16.6℃;平均年降雨量2,635.18mm。適合國人到此避暑休閒。
人: 實驗林自民國87年至今共舉辦四梯次志工招募,志工人數共計有160人,大部份志工以服務於溪頭自然教育園區為多。
事: (一) 提供本校森林學系與各系、所及國內外相關院、系師生從事各項訓練、教學實習、觀摩,充分發揮教育之功能。 (二) 以國民自然生態保育之推廣為目標之「自然教育」是溪頭自然教育 園區主要的經營宗旨之一。 (三) 溪頭苗圃可培育適當與強壯之苗木供綠化及生態造林之需。 (四) 假日森林生態自然展示中心提供遊客參觀及生態影片欣賞。 (五) 溪頭餐廳旅社提供食宿方便遊客。 (六) 露營區九十二年五月五日起重新營運;提供烤肉、營火、露營。 (七) 遊客服務中心提供:1. 預約生態導覽解說。2. 哺乳室哺乳及育嬰使用。 3. 簡報室、會議室提供會議使用。4. 遊客休息室內設休息椅、化石實物展示及說明。5. 諮詢服務及跌傷處理。6. 溪頭摺頁:植物、動物、花卉、昆虫…等索取;教育推廣用。 (八) 溪頭自然教育園區餐廳及旅社部於93年4月1日正式委託給太平洋 立德旅館事業股份有限公司經營
物: 溪頭的景點很多,區內遍植杉、柏、紅檜、銀杏與孟宗竹等,古木參天、林道四通八達,除遊玩、森林浴外,陳列館、竹類標本園、大學池、神木、孟宗竹林等,均適合進行有系統的植物觀察與賞鳥活動。
森林生態展示中心 中心內配置服務台、多媒體中心、展示區和哺乳室。多媒體中心有各式生態影片,以180吋大螢幕定期播出,臨場感十足。展示區內容包括森林生態展示、竹製木製家具及動物標本展示。
大學池 University Pool大學池景緻秀麗飄逸令人陶醉,偶而薄霧飄渺,更如夢境一般,是許多青年定情之地,亦憑添幾許浪漫風情。可見到由孟宗竹林搭建的拱橋,另外也可觀察到落羽松的膝根的現象;八、九月間,也可見梭德氏赤蛙的繁殖;春天則有山櫻花、冠羽畫眉
溪頭神木Divine Tree已有2,800多年的歷史,高46米、合圍16米,乃活的紅檜巨木,樹身中間因腐朽菌侵蝕而呈中空狀態,當年因砍伐經濟價值不高而得以留存至今,成為神木供人欣賞。
空中走廊 人工林冠層生態觀察的空中走廊,此架高的空中走廊全長約180公尺,最高點距面22.6公尺,相當於7層樓高。希望可提供全臺灣各級學校一個絕然不同的自然戶外體驗場所。空中走廊開放時間:早上8點~下午5點。
溪頭神木紅檜 溪頭自然教育園區中的溪頭神木是歷史的見證,已有2800多年的高齡,高46公尺、合圍16公尺,是活的紅檜巨木,樹幹中間因菌侵蝕而呈中空狀態,溪頭神木週遭茂密優美的杉木人工林則是彙集芬多精的森林浴場。
孟宗竹林 (學名:Phyllostachys edulis英文稱為Mao Bamboo或Moso Bamboo)素以林相優美、氣氛寧靜而吸引人,隱在竹林間的「竹廬」曾為蔣公行館,落成於民國65年立體竹字造型,位於神木步道旁幽靜的道孟宗竹林中,融合了傳統中國式風貌於現代,圓形大門呼應竹子的圓柱外觀,內部透過落地窗及圓窗,處處呈現出一幅幅的天然美景。現已大門深瑣 ,不對外開放。
銀杏林 銀杏又名公孫樹,因銀杏大多在90歲後才結果,剛好是人類祖孫三代的歲月,因而有『公孫樹』的別名。
杉林溪 Sun Link Sea是昔日“溪阿縱走”--溪頭往阿里山健行熱線之中途站,是一處深山中的渡假、森林遊樂世界,海拔1,600米,一年四季花期不斷;春櫻吐芘、夏石楠花開、秋蘭飄香、冬楓相映。
921大巨石 在88年9月21日集集大地震時從鳳凰林道上方滾落下來,大石之尺寸粗估約為12m*8m*10m之立方體,體積約為1000立方公尺,重量約為2400公噸。為使民眾能向大自然學習及增加環境教育之宣導,將大石保留於原處,成為溪頭之新地標。
青龍瀑布 地勢成直角下傾,瀑布傾瀉
天地眼 因山壁上凹陷的兩個大洞如一雙眼而得名。
松龍岩 亦稱烏松瀑布,瀑布兩旁各有一石洞,名為水濂洞,右洞比左洞大一倍。靜坐洞內觀瀑,饒富趣味。
柳杉林 (學名:Cryotomeria japonica英文 名:Japanese Cedar)通往溪頭之寶—神木的林道旁擁有一片已走過半個世紀的柳杉林,其樹冠層相當完整,森林中各種生物包羅萬象,彷彿進入生態王國;實驗林精心規劃建置別出心裁的人工林冠層生態觀察的空中走廊,希望可提供全臺灣各級學校自然戶外體驗場所。
芬多精 森林植物會散發一種名為(芬多精)(phytocid)的揮發性物質,可以殺死空氣中的細菌、黴菌,對人體健康有極大益處,預防百病。
森林浴 在森林中旅遊休閒,投身於森林的精氣和香氣中,有 益身心健康,是謂森林浴,其功能如下: 森林散發的(芬多精)可以殺菌,淨化人體,預防百病。瀑布,溪水的水花或植物光合作用所產生的陰離子(又稱空氣維他命),可以鎮靜人。
周邊熱門景點 溪頭松林町妖怪村 溪頭松林町妖怪村位居溪頭森林遊樂區舊大門口的下方約100公尺處,事實上,妖怪村只是隸屬於私人所經營的飯店--「明山森林會館」園區的一部份
因為是免費,再加上妖怪村營造出東洋風情讓人不必花出國的錢,宛如來到日本,而且溪頭妖怪村裡的每一樣元素、物件,都充滿獨立、特有創作特色,把的原本凶猛的枯麻、雲豹都卡通化,讓它們變得更可愛、與人更親近!加上多樣創意特產所「咬人貓麵包」、 「竹炭吐司麵包」所以以能夠在短短不到一年的時間,就緊緊抓住年輕人的心,成為最潮、最夯的中部新景點!
鳳凰谷鳥園 鳳凰谷鳥園佔地20餘公頃,網羅台灣本土及世界各國數千隻的珍禽異鳥,將各種生態習性不同的鳥禽,從山鳥、河鳥到候鳥集中的海拔650公尺至850公尺之間的有限空間範圍內飼養展示。
鳳凰山天文台 鳳凰山天文台位於鳳凰山頂稜線上,在瞭望台上可見到四周的群峰,尤其玉山主峰、日月潭亦可一覽無遺!
鳳凰茶園 園區內現有台大直營示範茶園區1.75公頃栽培飲用茶葉,品種有軟枝烏龍、青心大冇、金萱、翠玉等多種。
相關活動 2014年9月5至6日間,到訪位於南投縣鹿谷鄉的台大溪頭自然教育園區,一入園就可以免費獲得限量發行1萬本的「森林健康護照」年底前憑護照進入教育園區,平日均可優惠價購票入園。護照除有溪頭附近環境特色介紹、森林健康常識及多項休閒優惠券;並聯合舉辦「森林嘉年華會」,提供舒壓、藝術、音樂、文創、特產及體驗活動。
中英對照 紅檜: Taiwan red cypress, Formosensis 銀杏:Ginkgo 孟宗竹:Moso Bamboo 木本植物:Woody plant 草本植物:Herbaceous plant 蔣公行館: CKS Resorts 柳杉林:Japanese Cedar forest 空中走廊: Air Corridor 冠層生態:Forest canopy organism 畫眉: Thrush, Whistling black bird 黃腹琉璃:Olive-backed sunbird 赤腹松鼠: Belly-banded squirrel 針葉樹: coniferous forest 溪頭自然教育園區 Xitou Nature Education Area 國立台灣大學 National Taiwan University 實驗林 the Experimental Forest 南投縣 Nanto County 鹿谷 Luku 大學池 University Pool 明山森林會館 Ming Shan Resort 妖怪村The Monster Village 神木 Divine Tree 為台灣紅檜木 Taiwan Red Cypress 孟宗竹 學名:Phyllostachys edulis英文稱為Mao Bamboo或Moso Bamboo 杉林溪 Sun Link Sea
Xitou Recreation Area
1. Place : Address, Geography location 1.1 1.2 The Fenghuang Mountain is composed of thick sandstone and is the barrier in the east of Xitou. The thick sandstone of Fenghuang Mountain is on the precipice of the mountain and it is the essential factor for fallen of huge rocks. The property of this sandstone is the deposition from shallow sea five million years ago. Nowadays, it is the mountain with sea level over 1000m. Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas. 2. When: historical development background, Historical Influence 2.1 In the late Qing Dynasty, the Xitou was "origin of stream" in a small village in mountain. 2.2 During the Japanese Occupation, it was chosen as the forest for practical training by Tokyo University. In during vocation, students were sent for practice and research 2.3 The forest recreational area has been established in 1970 3. People: Ethnic Relations, celebrity It is a Present Nature Education Area , 3.1 For practice, view and emulate for Department of Forest and other departments in our college, and teachers and students for local and international relevant colleges and departments. 3.2 The promotion of "natural education" of nursing of natural ecology is one of the main objectives of Xitou Forest Recreational Area. 3.3 The Xitou nursery garden can cultivate proper and strong nursery stock for afforesting of the ecology. 4. Affair: post events, celebration and activities 4.1 Vacation Forest Natural Ecology Exhibition Center provides visiting and ecological films for visitors 4.2 Xitou Restaurant and Hotel provides meals and accommodation. 4.3 The Camping Site has started operation in 5 May 2003, which provides BBQ, campfire and camps to visitors. 4.4 Visitors Services Center provides: a. Reservation of ecological guidance: the guide leads the visitors to understand the ecological environment, increase the concepts of the visitors to protect the forests and natural resources. b. Using of nursing room for nursing of the baby. c. Briefing room and conference room for conference. d. Chairs, pictures of the major plants in the Area, and display and explanation of fossils in Visitors Rest Room. e. Services Desk and first aid service. f. Xitou Booklet: including plants, animals, flowers and insects for free, which is for promotion and education. 4.5 The Leader Hotel and Resort Ltd has been entrusted to operate Xitou Restaurant and Hotel since 1 April 2004. 5. Object : building, Landscape Architecture, scene, detail description of object
Forest Ecological Exhibition Center
Correlation introduction Small Study Room This room contains more than 400 books related to ecology; most are suitable for the entire family.
﹡Computer Room: Visitors have access to multimedia computer programs that let them choose the films they want to watch. ﹡Multimedia Room: Ecology films are shown on the 180-inch screen. ﹡Exhibition Area: The exhibits present information on forest ecology, and wood and bamboo furniture and animal specimens are on display.
The Landmark of Xitou- University Pond
Correlation introduction Originally, University Pond was created to keep logs moist. Later, the pond became the representative landmark of Xitou. The pond is frog heaven in spring and summer.
Visitor Center
Correlation introduction At the Visitor Center, visitors can purchase entrance tickets, obtain information on lodging and transportation, and become a member of the Friends of Xitou. Interpreters provide information about the natural ecology of the Xitou area. In addition, there is emergency first aid, a nursing room and a conference room.
Prof. Wang Memorial Pavilion
Correlation introduction From the Pavilion, you have a good view of the topography of Xitou. Looking north, the peak on the right is Mt. Fenghuang; the peak on the left is Mt.Neishupi.
Giant Tree
Correlation introduction There is a huge boulder inside the Giant Tree. Although the center is mostly rotted out and hollow, the giant tree lives on, a testament to the tenacity of life.
Ginkgo The Grandfather Tree
Correlation introduction During Japanese rule, the Taiwan branch of Tokyo University Experimental Forest planted this ginkgo forest, the only one in Taiwan. The ginkgo trees undergo distinct and unforgettable seasonal changes: new leaves in the spring, lush green growth in the summer, golden leaves in the fall and bare branches pointing at the winter sky. Because the ginkgo grows slowly, the people who plant the seed will be old, with many grandchildren by the time the seed is a mature tree. Therefore, the ginkgo is also called the grandfather tree.
Bamboo Cottage
Correlation introduction This architecturally unique bamboo cottage is located in the quiet Moso bamboo forest. It was designed by the famous architect Mr. Pao-Teh Han. Moso bamboo is a temperate, spreading species and forms an elegant bamboo forest.
Bamboo House
Correlation introduction The entire house and all the furniture inside are made of bamboo. The furniture is elegant in design and highly sought after.
Mt. Fenghuang Overlook and Astronomical Observatory
Correlation introduction The Mt. Fenghuang logging road ends on a ridge where there are two overlooks and an astronomical observatory. When the weather is nice, visitors can see Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding mountains. The observatory houses a 63cm-diameter, Newton telescope. Real-time images of the heavens can be transmitted to the Forest Ecological Exhibition Center.
Exercise Lawn
Correlation introduction The exercise lawn was installed at the end of the cable system (Liulong) used to transport logs across the difficult terrain. The cable system was damaged by typhoon Toraji in 2001. The terminus was transformed into an outdoor, open space. The gradually sloping lawn is surrounded by scenic mountains and is an excellent venue for watching outdoor performances.
Nursery Correlation introduction Most plants in the nursery are conifer seedlings. There are a smaller number of ornamental plant seedlings.
Giant Rock
Correlation introduction The Giant Rock was originally part of the rock formation on the cliff. During the big earthquake on September 21, 1999, the rock broke off the cliff and tumbled to its present position. Its dimensions are 18m x 15m x 12m, its volume is 540 m3 and it weighs 1300 tons. The base of the Giant Rock has been reinforced. Now it is symbolic of the 9/21 earthquake at Xitou. Campground Correlation introduction The Camground is located at the upper end of the parking lot. It provides a place for barbecues, campfires and camping. Sky Walk Correlation introduction This is the first sky walk in a forest in Taiwan. The walkway is 180 m long and 22.6 m (thats seven stories!) above the ground. The green forest canopy cleanses the air naturally and provides habitat and shelter for epiphytes, tree-dwelling animals, insects and fungi. From the walkway, you can experience life in the treetops and observe how it changes with the four seasons.
Forest exploring area
Correlation introduction It is the first forest exploring area in Taiwan. It combines with the big forest, purl streams and rich ecological resources. With the three different routes including amphibious, birds and reptile, and eight checkpoints (ecology explanation), you will have new experience and surprise on forest.
Plant evolution exploring area
Correlation introduction In the terrace field of nursery, the visiting route enters the geological epoch in order and the typical plants for each stage are collected. In addition to simulating smoke in volcano by water spray, the innovative large wooden dinosaur and tree fern are included. It is the best location for ecological education and study.
6. How: maintenance history, current Tourist Bureau policy
7. Why: Importance conclusion
Future prospect
01. Increase new signposts and explanation boards for the visitors to understand more about the environment. 02. Provide high quality of recreational environment and become one of a few domestic most popular natural education areas. 03. It is convenient for teaching, practice, experiment and research in order to improve the academic position. 04. Increase the income to reduce the financial problem of the experimental forest. 05. Prosper local economy and improve the income and employment opportunity of the villagers. 06. Increase the income of the forestland. 07. Reduce the hazard to forest that is related to forest administration. 08. According to the seasonal characteristics of Xitou, the theme of the month or season will be promoted, such as enjoying cherry blossoms, watching firebug at night, hearing the croaking of flog, enjoying Ginkgo and Bamboo. According to the objects in season, the intact ecological briefing and planning are conducted in order to attract the crowd. 09. The natural resources of Xitou Forest Recreational Area are the main content of ecological travel. Besides, the tourism such as the tea and bamboo art of recreational farming nearby can be added in order to increase the variety of the travel. This will attract more visitors. 10. Xitou is a natural outdoor classroom. It is the target and the best location to learn about the nature. The forest in Xitou includes forest education, production of timber, territory protection and forest recreation. 11. Establish the weather observation station to provide accurate meteorological information. |
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