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▲旅行業舉辦團體旅遊、個別旅客旅遊及辦理接待國外、香港、澳門或大陸地區觀光團體、個別旅客旅遊業務,應投保責任保險,其投保最低金額及範圍至少如下: 一、每一旅客意外死亡新臺幣二百萬元。 二、每一旅客因意外事故所致體傷之醫療費用新臺幣十萬元。 三、旅客家屬前往海外或來中華民國處理善後所必需支出之費用新臺幣十萬元;國內旅遊善後處理費用新臺幣五萬元。 四、每一旅客證件遺失之損害賠償費用新臺幣二千元。 #7 第七組------第七題 太魯閣國家公園 I. 太魯閣國家公園位於台灣東部也是很棒的觀光景點,台灣在地的大峽谷。 太魯閣名稱由來是太魯閣族。因造山運動抬升、立霧溪河水下切,形成奇特地形有溪谷、峽谷、斷崖、峭壁、高位河階以及高山等雄偉壯觀世界級的景觀。 II. 因氣候及海拔高度不同,因此保留了稀有又豐富動植物資源。產生彩霞、雲海、日出、日落等不同的視覺感受。 III. 主要道路為中橫公路
1. 太魯閣峽谷 : 因立霧溪河水下切,太魯閣呈U字型的大理岩峽谷,壯麗雄偉的峽谷、流水瀑布,如藝術般的線條及圖案的岩石。這是世界著名的大理石牆面峽谷風景。
2.九曲洞 : 九曲洞步道是中橫公路最長的隧道。因為綿延蜿蜒曲折的道路,因而取名 “九曲洞” 。步道裡巨大高聳的大理石峭壁面對面,時而看見岩壁上的斷層節理與褶皺,時而仰望岩洞口的山峰雲影,有不同的感覺。走在道。立霧溪水湍急的水流聲也迴蕩於耳際。像在歡迎你的到來。
3.燕子口 沿著燕子口步道,一路可欣賞太魯閣峽谷、壺穴、湧泉。這段立霧溪峽谷特別狹窄而深。以前太平洋的燕子都在這築巢而得名。
4.長春祠 長春祠位於中橫公路長春隧道西口,唐式風格建築依地勢嵌入山壁間,祠內供奉著爲興建中橫公路而殉職的226位築路英雄,而祠旁的湧泉由山壁間傾瀉而下,形成白絹飛瀑,如同一幅秀麗的國畫圖像。就是著名的「長春瀑布」。 祠後峭壁闢有步道階梯,循階而上沿途經觀音洞、太魯閣樓、鐘樓、再過一吊橋可至禪光寺,俗稱為「天堂步道」。
5.慈母橋 一座形狀美麗的紅色大橋。中華民國總統蔣中正為紀念母親王太夫人所建,跨越立霧溪。橋中段旁的青蛙石上則建有「蘭亭」,是蔣經國為紀念其母所建。慈母橋的護欄採用花蓮的特產白色大理石,橋頭橋尾並且各設有一對白色大石獅。
6.清水斷崖 清水斷崖,由斷層構造所形成的海崖,海崖漸漸隆起上升,加上受到雨水侵蝕、風化作用,形成如今壯觀的大理石崖壁。高度均在1000公尺以上,垂直矗立於太平洋。非常壯觀。清水斷崖是在台灣的太平洋沿岸最壯觀的景點之一。
7.天祥 天祥是一座很大的多層河階地形及遊憩區。此區有餐飲店、飯店、公車站、停車場、郵局等。 因為紀念「文天祥」而得名。文天祥--宋朝的學者及官員 (scholar and official)。 走過普渡橋,可抵達「祥德寺」、白衣觀音像、七層高的天峰塔。 後側上方則建有天祥基督教堂及天主教堂。 不僅欣賞美景可以感染宗教的氣息。
8.白楊步道/瀑布 從白楊步道入口到水濂洞短短2公里的路程中共有七個隧道,欣賞峭岩、溪水潺流的景觀,水濂洞洞瀑絕景。在白楊橋上觀賞白楊瀑布從斷崖上方傾瀉而下。
9.合歡山 合歡山冬季白雪皚皚,素有「雪鄉」之稱;春夏季賞花,景色宜人。不同的季節呈現不同的景色。
I. The Taroko National Park is located in East of Taiwan as well as great tourist attraction. It is very own Grand Canyon. 『Taroko 』origin of the name is Truku Aboriginal Tribe. Due to the orogeny pushed up and has been cut by Liwu River立霧溪 that formed a peculiar terrain and world famous and majestic scenery such like Valleys、Gorge、 Cliffs 、 High River Mesa and Mountain. II. Because of the variety climate and altitude therefore retain the rich and unique flora and fauna. And Produce rosy clouds, sea of clouds, sunrise, sunset, such as different visual enjoyment. III. The main road is Central Cross-Island Highway
I will introduce several popular tourist attractions : 1. Taroko Gorge太魯閣峽谷: The land cut by Liwu River立霧溪 that Taroko formed magnificent beauty U-shaped gorge. You can see also how beautiful waterfall and art-like lines and patterns on the cliffs. This is the world famous marble-walled gorge scenery.
2. Jiuqudong 九曲洞 (the Tunnel of Nine Turns) The Jiuqudong trail is the longest tunnel on the Central Cross-Island Highway. Due to the highway like an endless series of turns, therefore, was named the Tunnel of Nine Turns. The sheer cliffs face each other that you can see the jointed and faults of the marble cliffs. Or you can look up at mountains and cloud shade from the tunnel entrance that is different feelings. Walking on the wander trail you can also hear the sound of murmuring river it sounds like welcome you visit here.
3.Swallows’ Grottos燕子口 Along the Swallows’ Grottos you can see the Taroko Gorge, potholes and fountains scenery. Here is the narrower and deeper Gorge. Long time ago the Pacific swallows nest here, which is how the name came about.
4.Changchun (Eternal Spring Shrine)長春祠 The Eternal Spring Shrine is located in west of the Changchun Tunnel of the Central Cross-Island Highway. This Shrine is Tang Dynasty -style building and embedded the mountain. And it was built to commemorate the 226 military veterans who died during the construction of the Central Cross-Island Highway. Beside the shrine there is a beautiful waterfall that we named 『Changchun Waterfall』.
5. Chimu Bridge慈母橋 This is a beautiful red color bridge and across the Liwu River. This bridge was built to commemorate the former President Chiang Kai-shek’s mother. Beside the bridge there is a "Orchid Pavilion" was built on Frog Rock that is to commemorate the former President Chiang Ching-kuo’s 蔣經國mother. The bridge rails and two white Marble Lions were made of Taiwan Hualien花蓮 marbles. The Hualien Marbles are special local products.
6. the Qingshui Cliff清水斷崖 The Qingshui Cliff is formed by faults structure, and then the cliffs have pushed upward. In addition, the rainfall erosion and weathering that result in majestic cliffs. The cliff is more than 1,000 meters high and drops vertically into the Pacific Ocean. The Qingshui Cliff is one of the most spectacular sights on Taiwan’s Pacific coast.
7.Tianxiang 天祥 Tianxiang is a large river Mesa and Recreational Area. There are restaurants, hotels, bus stations, parking lots, post offices and so on. It was named to honor Wen Tain-Xian文天祥, the prime minister of the Song Dynasty宋朝. To walk past the Pudu suspension bridge 普渡橋you can reach the Xiangde Temple祥德寺, white clothing Mercy Guanyin Buddha statue, the 7-story Tian Feng Pagoda天峰塔. There also have Tianxiang Christian Church 天祥基督教堂 and Catholic Church. Come here you are not only enjoy the magnificent scenery but also feel the religious atmosphere.
8.Baiyang Trail and waterfall白楊步道/瀑布 From entrance of Baiyang Trail to the Shui Lian Cave total have 2 kilometers and seven tunnels. Along the trail you can enjoy the sight of valley, river, cliffs and cave waterfall scenery. On the Baiyang Bridge you can view the Baiyang Waterfall pour down from the cliff.
9.Hehuan Mountain 合歡山 The Hehuan Mountain is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Taiwan. Snowing during the winter on the Mountain that is why we called Hehuan Mountain "Snow Township" as well. The blossom during the spring and summer appear different beautiful scenery.
orogeny [əˋrɑdʒənɪ] 【地】造山運動 terrain [tɛ`ren] 地形; 岩層 Mesa [`mesə] 岩石臺地 unique flora and fauna珍禽奇獸;奇花異草 Central Cross-Island Highway 中橫公路 gorge [gɔrdʒ] 峽谷 joints and faults節理與褶皺斷層 sound of murmuring river 潺潺水聲 grotto [ˋgrɑto] 洞穴 Pothole 壺穴 Orchid [`ɔrkɪd] 蘭花 Pavilion [pə`vɪljən] 涼亭 rail 欄杆 weathering風化作用 erosion [ɪ`roʒən] 侵蝕﹐腐蝕 spectacular [spɛk`tækjəlɚ] 壯觀的 Catholic Church 天主教堂 Grand Canyon 大峽谷 慈母橋=Chimu Bridge/Bridge of Motherly Devotion Changchun (Eternal Spring Shrine)長春祠 蘇花公路=Suao-Hualien Highway(蘇花公路上和平至崇德間的) 太魯閣的幾個單字供參, 太魯閣(峽谷)=Taroko Gorge 燕子口=Swallows Grottos 慈母橋=Chimu Bridge/Bridge of Motherly Devotion 九曲洞=Tunnel of Nine Turns 清水斷崖=Qingshui Cliff 蘇花公路=Suao-Hualien Highway (蘇花公路上和平至崇德間的)壯觀=spectacular sights 一線天=a thread of sky 中部橫貫公路(中橫)=Central Cross-Island Highway orogeny [əˋrɑdʒənɪ] 【地】造山運動 terrain [tɛ`ren] 地形; 岩層 Mesa [`mesə] 岩石臺地 unique flora and fauna珍禽奇獸;奇花異草 joints and faults節理與褶皺斷層 sound of murmuring river 潺潺水聲 grotto [ˋgrɑto] 洞穴 Pothole 壺穴 Orchid [`ɔrkɪd] 蘭花 Pavilion [pə`vɪljən] 涼亭 rail 欄杆 weathering風化作用 erosion [ɪ`roʒən] 侵蝕﹐腐蝕 spectacular [spɛk`tækjəlɚ] 壯觀的 Catholic Church 天主教堂 Grand Canyon 大峽谷 Changchun (Eternal Spring Shrine)長春祠 Baiyang Trail and waterfall白楊步道/瀑布 |
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