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2014年外語(英語)導遊訓練●中華民國觀光導遊協會(9/1-10/2) B-6 期末考共筆參考(台南孔廟)
2018/05/26 00:26:46瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0





Please find the attached file for an English draft on Tainan Confucius Temple and its word bank. The draft covers eight parts, including  1.    Overall Introduction

2.      The history of Confucius Temple

3.      The Architecture and Decorations of Confucius Temple

4.      The Confucius Ceremony

5.      Confucius on Education

6.      The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Society

7.      The Core Concept of Confucianism: Ren

8.      Conclusion.

#6 Tainan Confucius Temple


Word Bank

1.     national first-degree historic spots 國家一級古蹟       

2.     Taiwan Regional Chief Administrator      臺灣知府       

3.     Taiwan Prefecture Academy   台灣府學       

4.     Wen Miao(Scholarly Temple)         文廟       

5.     Guo Xue (the National Academy)   國學       

6.     Wen Miao to the right and Guo Xue to the left      左學右廟       

7.     Ming-Lun Hall (Hall of Ethics) 明倫堂   

8.     sanctuary 聖殿;寺院   

9.     Dacheng Hall (Hall of Great Achievement)     大成殿   

10.   mortuary tablet      神主牌位       

11.   disciples  門徒       

12.   the First Academy of Taiwan  全台首學       

13.   sacrifice  獻祭       

14.   horizontal described boards awarded by sovereigns of all dynasties    歷代帝王元首御匾       

15.   The Confucius Ceremony       祭孔儀式       

16.   Supreme Teacher   至聖先師       

17.   imperial decree       皇帝頒令       

18.   Spring and Autumn period     春秋時期       

19.   education without class distinction        有教無類       

20.   Confucianism  孔子學說;儒學   

21.   benevolence          仁慈       

22.   the Analects    論語       

23.   filial piety              孝道       

24.   loyalty     忠誠       

25.   reverence        崇敬       

26.   Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.   己所不欲,勿施於人   



#6 Tainan Confucius Temple

1.     Overall Introduction

2.     The history of Confucius Temple

3.     The Architecture and Decorations of Confucius Temple

4.     The Confucius Ceremony

5.     Confucius on Education

6.     The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Society

7.     The Core Concept of Confucianism: Ren

8.     Conclusion


Overall Introduction

Tainan Confucius Temple is presently ranked among the national first-degree historic spots and serves as a popular tourist attraction today. Temples to Confucius are a concrete symbol of Chinese Confucian culture. By the Ming and Ching Dynasties, most counties and municipalities in China have built Confucius temples, which were called Confucian schools, to serve as centers for Confucian study and education in general.


The history of Confucius Temple

Tainan Confucius Temple was built in 1665, around 350 years ago, when Cheng Ching(鄭經), son of Koxinga(鄭成功) approved of the proposal by Chief of General Staff Chen Yung-hua(陳永華) to construct on the present site. In 1684, when Taiwan was annexed to the territory of the Qing Dynasty, the first Taiwan Regional Chief Administrator(臺灣知府)Chou Chang(周昌) launched their efforts to have the temple renovated into Taiwan Prefecture Academy(台灣府學), also called the Wen Miao((the Scholarly Temple).  Following a major renovation in 1712, the compound retained its original layout of Wen Miao to the right and Guo Xue (the National Academy) to the left. (左學右廟). On the left side stood Ming-Lun Hall (Hall of Ethics), built as a place for instructors to offer lectures and cultivate intellectuals. On the right side was the sanctuary called Dacheng Hall (大成殿) (Hall of Great Achievement), housing the mortuary tablet of Confucius, as well as those of his distinguished disciples. Tainan Confucius Temple is not only the first Confucius Temple in the history of Taiwan, but the Wen Miao and Guo Xue compound, is also the first of its kind in the history of Taiwan, and it is thus called the First Academy of Taiwan(全台首學). Since then, the Confucius Temple has been through more than thirty times of reconstruction, a part of the building was destroyed during the wars or ruined by nature disasters; the present scale of the Confucius Temple was the look after reconstructing (in 1917) during the time when Japanese were ruling.

The Architecture and Decorations of Confucius Temple

There are fifteen structures inside the Confucius Temple. The primary sacrifice in the palace is to Confucius divine tablet, on both sides, and the other sacrifices are to the pupils of Confucius. Between the beams and pillars, there hang twelve horizontal described boards awarded by sovereigns of all dynasties since early Manchu Dynasty till today, it is the Confucius Temple in Taiwan to own the most complete royal horizontal described boards of all dynasties. Inside the temple, there are very old trees towering, classical elegant and tranquil, self-becoming a place of its own. Speaking of the preservation of the cultural articles in the Confucius, the inscriptional records through all times of repairs, the horizontal described boards awarded by sovereigns of all dynasties, and ceremony and musical instruments from early Manchu Dynasty till nowadays are still kept perfectly.

The Confucius Ceremony

The temple also preserves ancient Confucian ceremonies, which are conducted on a regular basis. Every year, on Confucius birthday (September 28th) worship ceremony, so called the Confucius Ceremony is held. It is sacrificial rites, denoting the displays of music, dance and the presentations of food and wine to Confucius. The temple also includes storerooms for the ritual implements and musical instruments that are used in these ceremonies.

Confucius on Education

During his lifetime, Confucius laid considerable emphasis on education, in which, he had extremely high attainments and had been awarded the title "Supreme Teacher" in A.D. 1. His influence spreads far and wide. In A.D. 581, Confucius became the "Grand Master" by imperial decree. It should be mentioned that prior to the Spring and Autumn period, the common people did not have the opportunity to receive education. It was Confucius who first advocated the policy of “education without class distinction”.

The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Society

Confucianism is the root of Chinese culture. For two thousand years, the ideas and behavior of the Chinese have been under the sway of Confucianism. As is known, Confucianism has been the mainstream of oriental culture as well as oriental societies.  People in Taiwan are largely influenced by Confucianism in both political measures and living style. People build Confucian temples, observe the Confucian memorial ceremony, and circulate widely the portraits of Confucius. All these facts bear witness to the influence of Confucianism. That Confucianism breaks down the barriers of time and space accounts for the fact that Confucianism not only characterizes Chinese culture but also symbolizes oriental civilization.

The Core Concept of Confucianism: Ren

The core value of Confucianism is benevolence (ren). According to the Analects《論語》, the topics most discussed by Confucius and his students centered around concepts such as benevolence and love, rites and music, trust and righteousness, filial piety, loyalty and tolerance, respect and reverence. But the topic that came up most often was benevolence, which appears 109 times in the Analects. One of the most famous quote is “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”




The whole space of Tainan Confucius Temple presents a cultural breath. And it is a precious historical asset that deserves to be carefully appreciated.


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