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BBC學英文-Finger on the pulse把握脈搏,緊跟潮流
2013/04/15 11:24:23瀏覽623|回應0|推薦4
Finn and Feifei 在談論"Finger on the pulse",這是什麼意思呢?

A nurse has her finger on a patient's pulse, BBC image先來聽聽他們的對話()


(Finn and Feifei are in the cinema; the film is about to start)
Finn 和 Feifei 在電影院裡,電影就快開演了!
Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. This is The English We Speak. And this is Feifei. 
Feifei: Hi. I hope you can hear me. This cinema is very crowded! I've never heard of this movie... and who are these actors, Finn?!
Hi. 電影院人真多,我得大聲點你才能聽得對這部電影我一所知,你認識這些演員嗎?? Finn
Finn: Well, Feifei, when it comes to the best new actors, I have my finger on the pulse. 
Feifei: Finger on the pulse? Oh, don't do that here, Finn. You mean you touch the wrists of all these film actors? Where is your British reserve?! 
手指頭在脈搏上?不會吧~ 你是說你用手指頭給所有的電影演員們把脈?你沒事吧?英國人的保守情節去哪兒了
Finn: No. I am not going to touch anybody's pulse or wrists and my fingers are here, in my popcorn. In English, 'to have your finger on the pulse' means: to be familiar with the latest trends and developments. 
Feifei: Ahhhh, that's a relief.  Ahhhh 我就說嘛。
Finn: You might hear the expression 'to have your finger on the pulse' or 'to keep your finger on the pulse'. Let's hear some examples.
其實短語 to have your finger on the pulse 的意思是緊跟最新潮流動態,消息靈通,把握行情。
You have to keep your finger on the pulse of consumer trends if you want to succeed in business.

How do I manage to dress so well all the time? I buy this fashion magazine every week because it really has its finger on the pulse.

Feifei: Ah I see. So this expression is about keeping up-to-date with trends. 
Finn: Yes it is.
Feifei: Finn, I've been looking at the poster of the film while we wait for the door to open and... this film... 
Finn: 'The City That Never Sleeps'. Yes? 
Feifei: There is a picture of a zombie on the poster... and... what is that in the corner? A dead woman! Is it a horror movie, Finn?!
Finn: Calm down. It is a great movie. Full of blood and suspense. It will be a thrill! 
Feifei: Oh. I don't like that, Finn! I really don't like that! I get really upset when I watch this sort of movie. My heart races... here, put your actual finger on my actual pulse... Here.
Finn: Oh, OK, OK, sorry Feifei. Your heart is beating very fast. I didn't know you had a problem with horror movies. Let's go and watch a musical then. 
Feifei: 'The Sound of Music'? 
Finn: Go on then!
Feifei: That's much nicer! Bye.
Finn: Bye.
Both: (Singing) Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun...

全程一對一,不用出門人擠人  免費專線:0809-090566  
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