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【實用英文】如何分辨No, None, None of使用方法
2016/02/16 16:06:27瀏覽9163|回應0|推薦3

英文有些用法常常把我們搞得一個頭兩個大,小編今天就來為大家解惑,No, None, None of這三個詞彙在句子中的使用方法。



There was no bus today, so I walked.

Were no stores open today?

No reason was given for the delay.

No girl should be denied an education.



I drank all the coffee! There is none left.

I was looking for love, but I found none.


None of

None of + the + none

None of the students took the test.

None of + this/that

None of this is your fault.

None of + pronoun

None of us forgot to vote.

None of + possessive

None of his friends came to the party.


none of 作為主詞時,單複數的動詞都可以使用。
None of you is guilty.

None of you are guilty.


全程一對一,不用出門人擠人 免費專線:0809-090566

hitutor@hitutor.com.tw Skype:hitutor

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