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2012/04/05 09:21:00瀏覽419|回應0|推薦0 | |
Bigamists beware:Thanks to Facebook, keeping your wives from finding out about each other is almost impossible these days. 享齊人之福的人注意了:拜臉書之賜,如今幾乎不可能避免你們的老婆們發現彼此的存在。 A foolish man, 41, has been busted for bigamy after Facebook suggested his two wives be friends. 「臉書」建議一名男子的兩個老婆彼此加為朋友,讓一名41歲蠢男的重婚行徑被抓包。 Love rat Alan O’Neill married in 2001. After he moved out in 2009 he changed his name and remarried without divorcing his wife No.1. 愛情騙子艾倫.歐尼爾2001年結婚。他2009年出走後,改了個名字,在未與1號老婆離婚的情況下就另娶他人。 O’Neill’s first wife was apparently totally in the dark about his second marriage. She didn’t notice he had moved on to another woman until Facebook listed wife No. 2 under the "People You May Know" feature. 歐尼爾的元配顯然完全被蒙在鼓裡,不知道他的第二段婚姻。直到臉書的「你可能認識的人」功能列出他的2號老婆,她才發現他已另結新歡。 Facebook suggested O’Neill’s two wives "friend" each other -- leading wife No.1 to discover a picture of her husband and his second wife standing in front of a wedding cake. 臉書建議歐尼爾的兩個老婆彼此互為「朋友」,致使1號老婆發現一張她丈夫與他2號老婆在結婚蛋糕前合照的照片。 The first wife confronted him about the second marriage. Court documents say O’Neill acknowledged that he was in two marriages and told her not to report his other marriage and that he would fix it. But instead she alerted the authorities. He faces up to a year in jail if convicted. 這名元配質問他第二樁婚姻的事。法院文件指出,歐尼爾承認同時和兩人結婚,要求她不要揭發,他會解決。但她還是報警。他若被定罪,將面臨最高1年徒刑。 新聞辭典: love rat:俚語,愛情騙子。例句:He is such a love rat who just can’t stop cheating on his girlfriends.(他是個愛情大騙子,不停背著女友偷情。) in the dark about something:片語,對某事不知情。例句:The company kept us in the dark about how many jobs will be slashed.(公司完全不讓我們知道將裁員多少人。) move on to something/someone:片語,拋開過去的人或事,把焦點轉移到新事物或人。例句:Tom has quickly moved on to someone else after the break-up of a long-term relationship.(湯姆結束一段長期的感情後,已經很快地另結新歡。)
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